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Filter content pasted into the CKEditor 5 visual editor by searching and replacing with the power of regular expressions.

The default set of filters handles the use case of cleaning up the markup of pasted content from rich text sources such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs. Drupal core ships with a CKEditor 5 plugin which filters out some of the markup from these sources but does not go as far as the CKEditor 4 "Paste from Word" functionality. Note that this module's default set of filters is more aggressive than the CKEditor 4 "Paste from Word" functionality.

If the default filters don't suit your needs, you can completely customize the filters via the user interface and even have different sets of filters for different text formats if you wish. Filter configuration is stored as part of the text format configuration.

This is a CKEditor 5 version of CKEditor Paste Filter with additional features, most notably that the filters are fully configurable via a form interface and the filters can be configured individually for each text format. This module has been created as a separate project so that sites that are transitioning over to CKEditor 5 can have both modules installed easily, and to allow this project to evolve without needing to maintain compatibility with both CKEditor 4 and 5.

This is an H2

This is an H3

This is an H4

Bolded text


This is a BlockQuote

This <p> has the class"lead" Filter content pasted into the CKEditor 5 visual editor by searching and replacing with the power of regular expressions.