Region 2 Director

Brooke Carter is the Region 2 Director.

A smiling white woman with a long ponytail, wearing a black and white striped shirt.

A medical laboratory technologist at Royal Jubilee Hospital, Carter serves as HSA's Secretary-Treasurer. She has also served in a number of union positions, including as chief steward, OHS steward, member-at-large serving on the union’s resolutions committee, as well as a constituency liaison, advocating for HSA members in meetings with her local MLA. 

Acclaimed in March 2024, her term of office will last until the end of HSA’s 2026 convention.

E-mail: Region 2 Regional Director

* Email accounts are supported by HSA staff to ensure timely responses to a high volume of member inquiries. Please contact HSA if you would like to send a private message directly to a Regional Director.