Region 3 Director

Jing-Yi Ng was acclaimed to represent HSA members in Region 3 on the HSA Board of Directors in June 2021, and again in April 2023.

An asian woman half-smiling at the camera, wearing a teal shirt.

Ng currently holds the position of Vice President. She is also a steward at her worksite, and is active as a Constituency Liaison. Ng works as a Clinical Pharmacist at Eagle Ridge Hospital, and has served as a member of the union’s Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association bargaining committee.

Her two-year term expires at the conclusion of the 2025 HSA Convention.

E-mail: Region 3 Regional Director

* Email accounts are supported by HSA staff to ensure timely responses to a high volume of member inquiries. Please contact HSA if you would like to send a private message directly to a Regional Director.