Advocacy and Action

HSA's involvement in the community stretches beyond direct services for members. As a member, you're part of a movement to make life better for all British Columbians.
Through the union's affiliation to the BC Federation of Labour and the Canadian Labour Congress, umbrella organizations that represent unions and union members on provincial and national levels, HSA is working to improve wages, working conditions, benefits and pensions for all.
As a member of the BC Health Coalition, HSA works with community groups to advocate for a strong, fair, accessible and public health care system.
Members have access to broader education programs for trade union members, as well as opportunities to participate in campaigns and issues related to working people. HSA is one of several unions that are members of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE), which has an important and respected voice speaking on behalf of its members at the national and international levels. Together with these groups HSA is speaking out on climate change, women's rights, and economic inequality.
In addition to labour relations, HSA provides education opportunities for members. Regular internal education programs keep union stewards trained and informed on how best to help members with labour relations issues at work.
To find out more or get involved, talk to your steward.