Member Benefits
Your membership comes with many perks. To figure out which benefits you may qualify for, find your collective agreement here.
Why belong to a union?
Some say union membership is like insurance. If you get sick, if a new manager makes changes that aren't working -- the union gives you some protection.
That's true, but a union is more about belonging to a community that gets stronger the more you get involved.
Over the years union members have worked together to achieve their goals. That's why employees with union representation are usually paid more, enjoy better benefits, worry less about job security, and have more say in the workplace.
With a union and a collective agreement in place, employers can't play favourites. Wages and benefits are negotiated on behalf of everyone in the HSA bargaining unit, and everyone in the bargaining unit has an opportunity to vote on the contract.
As an HSA member, you have access to experts with years of experience in labour relations, labour law, safety, long-term disability, workers' compensation and more. HSA staff negotiate collective agreements, handle classifications issues and grievances and – if necessary – defend your rights in courts, arbitrations and other legal tribunals.
HSA union dues are 1.85 per cent of earnings – among the lowest in the public health care sector – and they are tax deductible. Union dues are set by delegates at HSA's annual convention.
Your dues come right back to you in a range of services and benefits available to all members:
- assistance dealing with workplace problems and grievances
- researching and negotiating contracts for the best possible benefits and salary
- lobbying government for improvements to health care and your workplace
- occupational health and safety training
- expert advice on workers' compensation and benefits issues
- member training and education
- public advertising to raise the profile of HSA and the work you do
Your dues also support the day-to-day operations of the union, including award-winning ad campaigns to raise public awareness of the work you do, and operation of digital media like this web site and our Facebook page, where you'll find the latest news on contracts, benefits, negotiation, scholarships and bursaries for you and your family.