Extended health and welfare benefits

HSA members are protected by health and welfare benefits negotiated and protected by your union and administered by your employer through the Healthcare Benefit Trust.
The following documents are provided by the Healthcare Benefit Trust. Please see the human resources department at your worksite if you have questions about coverage, or if you are covered by contracts other than those shown below.
Health Science Professionals
- Joint Health Science Benefit Trust
- The Joint Health Science Benefits Trust (JHSBT) is an Employee Life & Health Trust (ELHT) that was established April 1, 2017 to provide employee benefits to members of the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) and their dependents. The JHSBT is governed by a Jointly-Trusteed Board (Trustees) with equal representation by unions and employers participating in the JHSBT.
- The Trust receives negotiated funding from employers and some contributions from employees, which it holds in the Trust fund for the purpose of providing group health and insurance benefits to eligible employees, their eligible dependents and beneficiaries. This change removed the provision and structure of health and welfare benefits from the HSPBA collective agreement.
- The only area of negotiation of health and welfare benefits through HSPBA collective agreement bargaining is related the level of funding to cover the health and welfare benefits provided by the Trust. (i.e., does more funding need to be negotiated to cover the cost of providing health and welfare benefits)
- HSA members are represented on the board by trustees, who have a fiduciary responsibility to act for the benefit of JHSBT and its beneficiaries. A Health Benefits Design Review Committee of Trustees is one of several committees that reports to the Board of Trustees, and provides guidance and advice to the board on ways in which to potentially improve or vary health and welfare coverage options for members.
- To provide input and feedback on your benefits plan, contact the JHSBT trustees at contact@jhsbt.ca
Regular Employees
- Benefits at a Glance (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan(booklet)
Casual employees
- Benefits at a Glance (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan (booklet)
Registered Psychiatric Nurses
- 2019 Memorandum of Agreement - Health and Welfare Benefits
- Benefits at a Glance - Regular employees (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan - Regular employees (27-page booklet)
- Benefits at a Glance - Casual employees (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan - Casual employees (16-page booklet)
Community Health Services and Support
- Joint Community Benefits Trust
- The Joint Community Benefits Trust (JCBT) is an Employee Life & Health Trust (ELHT) that was established April 1, 2017 to provide employee benefits to members of the Community Bargaining Association of BC and their dependents.
- Notice to Employees covered by the Joint Community Benefits Trust – pilot project enhances services of your benefit plan
Regular Employees
- Benefits at a Glance (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan (page booklet)
Casual Employees
- Benefits at a Glance (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefits (page booklet)
Community Social Services (General Services)
- March 2021 - Paramedical Services Benefits Improvements come into effect April 1, 2021
- Benefits at a Glance (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan (page booklet)
Community Social Services (Community Living)
- Benefits at a Glance (one page overview)
- Your Group Benefit Plan (page booklet)
Alouette Addiction Services
West Coast Medical Imaging
- Your Group Benefit Plan (page booklet)