Member Education and Training

HSA offers regular training sessions for stewards on core union issues such as the grievance procedure, contract interpretation, and occupational health and safety. Steward training courses include: Basic Steward Training, Supervisors in the Union, Basic Occupational Health and Safety, Psychological Health and Safety, Advanced Occupational Health and Safety, and Lead Steward Training.
The Education Department at HSA offers learning opportunities to all members on topics related to equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, and decolonization. Recent and upcoming courses include: Communication and Conflict Resolution, Decolonization, Disability Awareness and Disability Justice, and Anti-Racism.
The Education Department offers annual themed workshops for Social Justice Day, International Womens’ Day, Domestic Violence Awareness, and the Young Workers’ workshop.
Have a question about HSA's educational offerings? Contact us at
Paid Union Leave and Expenses for HSA Workshops
Did you know that HSA provides wage replacement so you can attend education workshops?
If the workshop is scheduled on your regular workday, HSA will reimburse your employer for 7.5 hours or the hours you are regularly scheduled to work, whichever is greater.
If the workshop is on a day you are not scheduled to work, you can bank 7.5 hours of union business to be taken at another time.
If the workshop is at the HSA office in New Westminster, your expenses for travel, accommodations, and per diems (daily stipend) for meals are reimbursed according to HSA policy.
You are also eligible for pre-approved dependent care expenses. Contact us for more information and to receive the Dependent Care Pre-Approval Request Form.
Members participating in HSA education workshops events must attend the entire event.
Bulletins are sent to your personal email address on file with the union when new workshops are released. You can apply to take a workshop via this link.