Pension and Retirement Information

The majority of HSA members enjoy the security of a strong and stable pension that will care for you and your family when you retire.
HSA members are part of the Municipal Pension Plan, which is widely recognized to be well designed and well administered. It is a model for other jurisdictions interested in pension plan reform.
The Plan (also called the "MPP") serves more than 395,000 active, inactive and retired members and their employers in British Columbia. Members and employers come from a variety of sectors across the province, including health, municipalities, school districts and others. The Municipal Pension Plan is the sixth-largest defined benefit pension plan in Canada and the largest in BC.
The MPP is a defined-benefit pension plan. That means you can count on a set level of payment, and you can be assured the MPP will be there when you need it, even if you're years away from retirement. Every three years, the plan actuary conducts an actuarial valuation to determine if the plan is sufficiently funded. If this valuation determines that there will be insufficient funds to meet the basic pension promise to members, employer and member contribution rates will be increased.
Retiree benefit coverages are different from those for working members, and are determined by the Municipal Retirement Benefit Trust, which manages the benefits trust fund and administers the group benefit program available to retired members of the Municipal Pension Plan.
If you'd like to learn more about the Municipal Pension plan, they offer a range of online courses and webinars, which include:
- Approaching Retirement (for those within 5 years of retiring)
- Understanding Your Pension
- How Taking Leaves and Life Events Affect Your Pension
- Planning for Retirement
You can also read the MPP's Annual Report and Report to Members, as well as learn more about The Plan.
HSA members represented by the Nurses' Bargaining Association negotiated the conversion of one percent (1%) of the 2008 market adjustment to provide funding for inflation protection and benefits for retirees.
- More information about inflation protection and benefits
- Apply for inflation protection and benefits
In addition to your Municipal Pension Plan, you are eligible for the Canada Pension Plan, a public plan that provides Canadians with a stable and dependable pension. Your contributions also provide you and your dependents with basic financial protection if you become disabled or die. The Old Age Security program is the cornerstone of Canada's retirement income system.