North American Occupational Safety and Health (NAOSH) Week

Event Type

NAOSH is an annual event that takes place during the first full week of May, in both Canada and the United States. The event aims to raise awareness about the importance of workplace safety and health and to promote the prevention of workplace injuries and illnesses. NAOSH has a significant history, having been recognized for over 20 years. NAOSH week provides an opportunity for employers, workers, and the public to engage in safety and health promotion activities. 

Events taking place at HSA worksites:

Date Worksite Event
Monday May 6 Redfish MHSU HSA Table at NAOSH Fair
Tuesday May 7 BC Cancer - Vancouver HSA Table at NAOSH Fair
TBD Nanaimo Regional General Hospital NAOSH Event - stay tuned for details
Thursday May 9  Children's & Women's Health Centre of B.C.  HSA Table at NAOSH Fair
Throughout the week BC Cancer - Abbotsford NAOSH Events - stay tuned for details


NAOSH Event Poster