Professional Development: HSPBA


Currently, there are multiple funds available to HSA members covered by the HSPBA collective agreement:

  • The 2024-2025 $400k HSPBA Professional Development Fund  (Application submissions are ON HOLD)
    Courses that commence between April 1,  2024 to March 31, 2025 - up to $1,000 maximum per member
  • The 2023-2024 $400k HSPBA Professional Development Fund (Application submissions are ON HOLD)
    Courses that commence between April 1,  2023 to March 31, 2024 - up to $1,000 maximum per member 
  • The 2023-2024 $3M BC Government Partnership Fund (Application submissions are ON HOLD)
    Courses that commence between September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024 - up to $10,000 maximum per member

Please see eligibility and guidelines below for each fund. 

 Visit the member contact information update form to ensure that all contact information is up to date before applying.

Questions should be by email only to the Fund your are submitting the inquiry to.  Emails are listed for the Funds below.  

If you are a member of a different bargaining unit (i.e. BCGEU, CUPE, PEA or HEU), please contact your union directly for funding opportunities.

2024-2025 $400k HSPBA Professional Development Fund (for HSA members covered by HSPBA contract) - (Application submissions are ON HOLD)

The 2024-2025 $400K HSP PD Fund is currently on hold.

Thank you to everyone who has applied to the fund! The 2024-2025 Fund has been placed on hold temporarily.

The union has established funding guidelines to ensure that funds benefit as many members as possible.  The fund is intended to support individual members and applications from individuals will be considered on a first come first serve basis until monies are exhausted according to established guidelines.  “Pooling” funds by groups of multiple members at individual sites will not be considered for reimbursement”

  • For education/training commenced between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
  • Once opened we will receive Applications until the fund is fully exhausted.

Due to the very high volume of submissions please DO NOT call the HSA office or send follow up emails as we will not be able to respond to individual inquiries. You may want to consult the FAQ’s on the website for the fund.

Should you need to send additional information only please email: @email


  1. The applicant must be an HSA member covered by the HSPBA/HEABC Provincial Agreement.
  2. The application must pertain to education/training commenced between April 1, 2024 and March 31, 2025.
  3. The education or training must be relevant to professional development within a health science discipline practiced within the public healthcare system and cannot be intended for personal development purposes.
  4. Application process is available online through the HSA website.  Members must log in to access the application form using their personal email address.  Visit the member contact information update form to ensure that all contact information is up to date before applying to avoid delays.
  5. Applications will be accepted until the funds are fully exhausted.

Applications will be processed in the order they are received and are subject to the availability of the remaining monies in the fund.

  1. Multiple Applications can be submitted for separate courses, but the fund is limited to $1,000 per member.
  2. Multiple Courses can be submitted on one application, but each course must be listed with name, date, amount and website link in the space provided.  Up to the maximum of $1,000.
  3. Training Programs for Degrees must include the course name, dates, and costs for each course applying for under the PD Fund in the space provided.
  4. Costs must be listed on the application are to be in Canadian Funds.  Conversions will not be done for you.  Reimbursement will be based on the approved amount that was entered on your application form, and no more.
  5. Eligible training/education expenses for reimbursement include: tuition fees, registration fees, costs of required books/materials, and other reasonable and/or mandatory education-related expenses.
  6. Reasonable costs of travel and accommodation costs may be eligible if related to training/education.  There is a maximum of $250 cap (from the total $1,000 possible amount) per member. Eligible Travel and Accommodation are as follows:
    1. Eligible travel expenses are airfare, mileage, ground transportation, parking, transit, ferry costs, etc. Only travel and accommodations within Canada or the United States is eligible.  Mileage is calculated at $.68/km, and is calculated at the difference between the members’ normal commute from home to work and the commute from home to training. 
    2. Eligible accommodation expenses are hotel, Airbnb, etc. and is based on there being a minimum distance of 25 km between the applicant’s residence and the location of the in-person education/training provider. If it is necessary to arrive at the education/training location one day prior to be able to attend at the start time, or the only travel option does not permit the applicant to arrive home before 10:30pm on the last date, eligibility for hotel reimbursement may include the date immediately before and/or after the event.  If member is required to temporarily relocate during the training period, there must be a minimum distance of 25 km between the applicant’s residence and the training location in order to be eligible. 
  7. Costs NOT eligible for reimbursement includes, but is not limited to: Wage replacement, Criminal Records checks, Professional Association Fees, Regulatory College Fees, Membership Fees, Immunizations or immunization reports, Technology costs such as software, hardware, and any mandatory technology fees, materials such as yoga mats, needles, singing bowls, assessment tools, etc., gas, meals or per diem, childcare, baggage fees, optional student fees, athletic fees or administration fees, travel and accommodations outside of Canada and US.
  8. When an application is deemed to satisfy the eligibility criteria, it will be approved subject to sufficient funding remaining available.
  9. Applicants must disclose if they have received, or anticipate receiving, any funding from any source for any cost related to their application for funding.
  10. HSA will inform successful applicants by email to their personal email address when their application has been approved or denied. 
  11. Successful applicants must provide detailed receipts for all claimed expenses.  Receipts must be submitted to HSA in a timely manner and, in any event, by the deadline specified in the approval letter.  Electronic receipts are acceptable.  Reimbursement will only be made following an applicant’s submission of satisfactory receipts. 
  12. Applicants will be required to provide HSA with a copy of a VOID cheque and completed EFT form for payment.  Payments will be made by electronic transfer (EFT) from HSA, once satisfactory documents have been received.

Phone calls will not be accepted.

2023-2024 $400k HSP Professional Development Fund - ON HOLD

2023-2024 $400K HSP PD FUND

Thank you to everyone who has applied to the fund! The 2023-2024 Fund has been placed on hold temporarily.

  • Applications submitted before March 21, 2024, are still being processed. 
  • Please note that all members who summitted applications between November 30, 2023 - March 21, 2024, will be contacted once a determination has been made. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Due to the very high volume of submissions please DO NOT call the HSA office or send follow up emails as we will not be able to respond to individual inquiries.  You may want to consult the FAQ’s on the website for the fund.

Should you need to send additional information only please email: @email 

  1. The applicant must be an HSA member covered by the HSPBA/HEABC Provincial Agreement.
  2. The application must pertain to education/training commenced between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 2024.
  3. The education or training must be relevant to professional development within a health science discipline practiced within the public healthcare system and cannot be intended for personal development purposes.
  4. Application process is available online through the HSA website.  Members must log in to access the application form using their personal email address.  Visit the member contact information update form to ensure that all contact information is up to date before applying to avoid delays.
  5. Applications will be accepted until the funds are fully exhausted.

Applications will be processed in the order they are received and are subject to the availability of the remaining monies in the fund.

  1. Multiple professional development courses can be submitted on one application, but each fund is limited to a maximum cap $1,000.
  2. Please include course number, name, date, cost breakdown and website link for each course/activity for training programs and individual courses, even if it is more than the maximum cap of $1,000.  This information is required for our records.  Provide details in space provided.
  3. Costs listed on the application are to be in Canadian dollars - you must do your own currency conversions.  Reimbursement will be based on the approved amount that was entered on your application form at time of submission.
  4. Eligible training/education expenses for reimbursement include: tuition fees, registration fees, costs of required books/materials, and other reasonable and/or mandatory education-related expenses.
  5. Reasonable costs of travel and accommodation costs may be eligible if related to training/education to a maximum cap of $250 (from the total $1,000 possible amount) per member. Eligible Travel and Accommodation are as follows:
    1. Eligible travel expenses are airfare, mileage, ground transportation, parking, transit, ferry costs, etc. Only travel and accommodations within Canada or the United States are eligible.  Mileage is calculated at $.68/km, and is calculated at the difference between the members’ normal commute from home to work and the commute from home to training. 
    2. Eligible accommodation expenses are hotel, Airbnb, etc. and is based on there being a minimum distance of 25 km between the applicant’s residence and the location of the in-person education/training provider. If it is necessary to arrive at the education/training location one day prior to be able to attend at the start time, or the only travel option does not permit the applicant to arrive home before 10:30pm on the last date, eligibility for hotel reimbursement may include the date immediately before and/or after the event.  If member is required to temporarily relocate during the training period, there must be a minimum distance of 25 km between the applicant’s residence and the training location in order to be eligible. 
  6. Costs NOT eligible for reimbursement are: Wage replacement, Criminal Records checks, Professional Association Fees, Regulatory College Fees, Membership Fees, Immunizations or immunization reports, Technology costs such as software, hardware, and any mandatory technology fees, materials such as yoga mats, needles, signing bowels, assessment tools, etc., gas, meals or per diem, childcare, baggage fees, optional student fees, athletic fees or administration fees, travel and accommodation costs outside of Canada and US.
  7. When an application is deemed to satisfy the eligibility criteria, it will be approved subject to sufficient funding remaining available.
  8. Applicants must disclose if they have received, or anticipate receiving, any funding from any source for any cost related to their application for funding.
  9. Applications with incomplete details ie: course information, costs, etc. will delay the process significantly.
  10. HSA will inform applicants via their personal email if their application has been approved or denied.
  11. Once the application is approved, the applicant must submit receipts for all claimed expenses, along with a copy of the claim form, a VOID cheque and completed EFT form. Documents must be submitted in a timely manner and, in any event, by the deadline specified in the approval letter. Electronic receipts are acceptable.  Reimbursement will only be made following an applicant’s submission of satisfactory receipts. 
  12. Payments will be made by electronic transfer (EFT) from HSA, once satisfactory documents have been received.

Phone calls will not be accepted.

2023-2024 $3m Professional Development (BC Government Partnership Fund) - ON HOLD


Due to high demand we have had to put application submissions on hold at this time.  We have received over 1,400 applications and want to ensure that all eligible applicants receive funding.  Once we get through the application reviews if there is still funding available we will re-open the fund and re-activate the application form.

  • For education/training commenced between September 1, 2023 and August 31, 2024.
  • Applications will be accepted until the fund is fully exhausted.
  • Email: @email


  1. The applicant must be an HSA member covered by the HSPBA/HEABC Provincial Agreement.
  2. The application must pertain to education/training commenced between September 1, 2023 to August 31, 2024.
  3. The education or training must be relevant to professional development within a health science discipline practiced within the public healthcare system and cannot be intended for personal development purposes.
  4. Application process is available online through the HSA website.  Members must log in to access the application form using their personal email address. Visit the member contact information update form to ensure that all contact information is up to date before applying to avoid delays.
  5. Applications that are incomplete will cause a significant delay in processing.
  6. Applications will be accepted until the funds are fully exhausted.
  1. Applications will be processed in the order they are received and are subject to the availability of the remaining monies in the fund.
  2. Multiple professional development activities and courses can be submitted on one application, but the fund is limited to a maximum cap of $10,000 per member.
  3. Please include course number, name, date, cost breakdown and website link for each course/activity for training programs and individual courses, even if it is more than the maximum cap of $10,000.  This information is required for our records.  Provide details in space provided.
  4. Costs must be listed on the application in Canadian dollars – you must do your own currency conversions.  Applications will be processed with the understanding that as per these instructions members have taken this step and done so prior to submitting the application and funding set apportioned according to the numbers on this application.
  5. Eligible training/education expenses for reimbursement include: tuition fees, registration fees, costs of required books/materials, and other reasonable and/or mandatory education-related expenses.
  6. Reasonable costs of travel and accommodation costs may be eligible if related to training/education to a maximum of $2,500 cap (from the total $10,000 possible amount) per member. Eligible Travel and Accommodation are as follows: 
    1. Eligible travel cap is $750 total for combined expenses such as airfare, mileage, ground transportation, parking, transit, ferry costs, etc. Only travel within Canada or the United States is eligible.  Mileage is calculated at $.68/km and is calculated at the difference between the members’ normal commute from home to work and the commute from home to training.  
    2. Eligible accommodation cap is $250 per night for the duration of the event up to a maximum of seven nights (7 x $250 = $1,750).  Expenses include hotel, Airbnb, etc. and is based on there being a minimum distance of 25 km between the applicant’s residence and the location of the in-person education/training provider. If it is necessary to arrive at the education/training location one day prior to be able to attend at the start time, or the only travel option does not permit the applicant to arrive home before 10:30pm on the last date, eligibility for hotel reimbursement may include the date immediately before and/or after the event.  If member is required to temporarily relocate during the training period, there must be a minimum distance of 25 km between the applicant’s residence and the training location in order to be eligible.
  7. Costs NOT eligible for reimbursement are: Wage replacement, Criminal Records checks, Professional Association Fees, Regulatory College Fees, Membership Fees, Immunizations or immunization reports, Technology costs such as software, hardware, and any mandatory technology fees, materials such as yoga mats, needles, singing bowels, assessment tools, etc., gas, meals or per diem, childcare, baggage fees, optional student fees, athletic fees or administration fees.
  8. When an application is deemed to satisfy the eligibility criteria, it will be approved subject to sufficient funding remaining available.
  9. Applicants must disclose if they have received, or anticipate receiving, any funding from any source for any cost related to their application for funding.
  10. Applications with incomplete details ie: course information, costs, dates, etc. will delay the process significantly.
  11. HSA will inform applicants via their personal email address if their application has been approved or denied.  
  12. Once the application is successfully approved, the applicant must submit receipts for all claimed expenses, along with a copy of  the claim form, a VOID cheque and completed EFT form,  in a timely manner and, in any event, by the deadline specified in the approval letter.  Electronic receipts are acceptable.  Reimbursement will only be made following an applicant’s submission of satisfactory receipts.  
  13. Payments will be made by electronic transfer (EFT) from HSA, once satisfactory documents have been received.

Frequently Asked Questions

The opening of development funds will be announced via email and posted to this page. Applications will be accepted until the funds are fully exhausted, or a posted deadline, whichever comes first.

The purpose of the fund is to provide education monies to as many individual members as possible across the province. While more than one member from a site may be approved for a course, “pooling” monies at individual sites in the fashion described above does not meet the funding guidelines established by the union and will not be considered.

Applications are processed in the order they are received.

Approved applications must meet all eligibility criteria and funding guidelines. Successful applicants are required to submit satisfactory expense receipts as per the instructions provided in the approval letter to receive reimbursement for approved expenses.

Incomplete applications requiring additional details such as updated contact information, a detailed program breakdown including course specifics (start/finish dates, costs, etc.), or other missing information, will significantly delay the processing.

The application form states that the funding is to be allocated to training and upgrading skills for HSPBA members working in professions experiencing shortages or rural and remote locations, as well as to ongoing required professional development for all HSPBA members. Should I submit an application even if I can't say for certain that one of these criteria would be satisfied with my application?

Yes. Do your best to answer how you think your application will serve the particular criterion.

No. The education or training must be relevant to professional development within a health science discipline practiced within the public healthcare system and cannot be intended for personal development purposes.

Due to the unique nature of each application, providing an exact timeline for responses is challenging. Our small team is diligently managing numerous applications for education and professional development funds. We will contact you once your application has been reviewed or if further information is required.

Please refrain from contacting HSA to inquire about your application; our team will reach out to you as soon as possible.

The fund is intended to support education or training programs that commence within the specified funding period. Please consult the fund's documentation for exact dates.

Professional development encompasses a variety of events and instruction, such as workshops, seminars, conferences, courses, or programs. These activities may require in-person attendance, distance learning, or participation in clinical placements. They can range from short-term engagements to longer pursuits for credentials like diplomas, advanced certifications, or degrees. Please review the eligibility guidelines of each fund for specific details.

Please note that professional fees are not eligible under the Professional Development Funding program. Refer to the Professional Fees page for more information.

The fund covers tuition fees, registration fees, the cost of required books/materials, and other relevant education/training expenses, up to the maximum amount specified by the fund.

Additionally, 'other reasonable education/training-related expenses' encompass costs such as travel and accommodation within Canada and the US. These are applicable if the applicant must travel or temporarily relocate to attend education/training or related clinical placements not offered locally or virtually.  The fund covers these expenses up to a maximum amount specified by the fund.

Costs that are NOT eligible for reimbursement include:

  • Criminal records check
  • Professional association or regulatory college fees
  • Immunizations or immunization reports
  • Technology costs such as laptops, hardware, software, and any mandatory technology fees
  • Materials such as yoga mats or needles
  • Any optional school/student fees
  • Meals or per diem
  • Gas
  • Travel outside of Canada or USA
  • Wage Replacement

Yes.  The member is required to perform the exchange rate calculation and list all amounts in Canadian funds. The listed amount will be used for your approval.

Please note that your reimbursement will only cover up to the approved amount, so it's important to be mindful of the exchange rates used. Kindly indicate the original currency in the description area of the application as this will aid in the review process.

No. The professional development fund is over and above the collective agreement.

All provisions of the HSPBA/HEABC Provincial Agreement continue to apply, including Education Leave as per Article 17.01 and Unpaid leave as per Article 22.

No.  Courses taken to upgrade or maintain employment related skills are considered non-taxable, and no T4A slip will be issued.*

*Note: HSA does not provide financial advice and the above information, referenced from the CRA website should not be considered as such.  HSA recommends that members seek independent professional tax advice as they so choose. 

Under subparagraph 118.5(1)(iii) of the CRA income tax act, any tuition fees reimbursed are not deductible as tuition fees on your taxes.*

Tuition fees that are reimbursed to an individual are not included in your income and therefore do not require a T4A, however, individuals should take note the amount reimbursed is not eligible for tax credit as a deduction.

*Note: HSA does not provide financial advice and the above information, referenced from the CRA website should not be considered as such.  HSA recommends that members seek independent professional tax advice as they so choose. 


Applications are no longer being accepted for 

2022/2023 $3m PD Fund

2022/2023 $400k HSPBA PD Fund

If you have questions about applications made for funding in previous years, please contact that fund email address directly.

Developed in partnership with the government of British Columbia, Health Sciences Association of BC secured $3 million in new funding to support professional development for members covered by the Health Sciences Professional Bargaining Association collective agreement. The funding, first announced June 2022 and provided by the BC Ministry of Health, allowed members to pursue further specialization of skills in key professions.

Past Eligibility Guidelines and FAQ's