2021 HSA Convention

Election of President
HSA’s 2021 50th annual convention will include an election for the position of president. The two-year term begins at the adjournment of the 2021 convention, set for June 2 to 4, 2021 online.
The president is elected by delegates to the union’s annual convention in odd-numbered years.

Dear HSA members,
I have been fighting for issues that matter to you even before my probation was up as a casual. I have passionately served in various roles such as general steward, assistant-chief, member-at-large, constituency liaison and participated/chaired almost every committee within HSA as a Regional Director. I am a passionate, honest and caring leader who is an excellent communicator and creative problem-solver. I stand up for what’s right…I stand up for you!
I am proactive and in-tune with members’ issues at the local department level while still connected to the bigger picture. I have a winning record in grievances and arbitration to reduce workload via new FTEs. I am the founding member of the Young Workers Advisory Group who increased member engagement by mentoring young workers. I am part of the BIPOC caucus raising awareness on discrimination, racism, bullying and harassment issues within the workplace and union. I identified gaps and strengthened the membership through the Orientation Program for new hires.
I provided numerous strategies resulting in our membership being recognized for their excellent work and the $4/hr premium pandemic pay for ALL. I promoted member safety by urging sufficient PPE supply (N95s, gloves, PAPrs). I told the board NOT to cut union dues from the pandemic pay. I supported local businesses and delivered restaurant meals to various sites while increasing public awareness of HSA members. I fought for our FIRST priority amongst doctors and nurses to receive the COVID19 vaccine.
I have outside experience with TRU and BCAMRT (Provincial Medical Imaging Association) where I brought numerous efficiencies while championing positive change as the President and Director. I am not satisfied with the current status-quo and believe we can do much better in all aspects as a union. I am not afraid to speak up for justice and will always put members first. I will fight to extend the $4/hr pay until the pandemic is declared over; furthermore, I will aim to make the premiums permanent in the next contract. I will work tirelessly to improve wages, correct classifications, reduce high workload, raise member engagement, ameliorate recruitment and retention, increase transparency within HSA and promote a safe and harassment-free work environment. Feel free to reach out at @email. More information will be available on www.jasgiddha.ca. I look forward to your support in making a positive change! Thank you and take care.
In Solidarity,
Jas Giddha
Medical Radiation Technologist (MRT),
Surrey Memorial Hospital

Welcome delegates, to HSA’s 50th convention!
I am Becky Packer, a physical therapist working in Long Term Care on Vancouver Island. I have been a proud HSA member for fifteen years. Supporting our members fills my bucket.
I have been active as Chief steward, OHS steward, Member at Large (Resolutions Committee), and Regional Director. Last year, I was elected your Secretary-Treasurer and entrusted with overseeing and directing our union’s finances. Serving on both our Policy and Finance committees, I have encouraged transparency and accountability in support of members’ concerns. I have been listening to you, attentively advocating for your interests, and conscientiously supporting good decisions that benefit us all.
Friends, this next year is crucial for us. Most of our collective agreements are set to expire next spring. We must turn our minds to establishing our strategy and planning for negotiation. We are our employers’ most valuable resource and we must have safe and respectful places of work:
Respect includes being recognized and fairly compensated for the critical work that we do. We are highly educated, skilled and essential workers. We are responsible for delivering the specialized and modern healthcare and social services upon which the people of BC rely.
Respect includes parity with other health professionals and opportunities to work to our full scope, grow in our careers, and flourish into our potential. We need equitable opportunities for leadership positions in order to build more inclusive and diverse healthcare and social services where everyone feels that they belong and can contribute fully.
Respect includes recognizing and caring for our wellbeing and health. This last year has exacerbated our existing struggles of heavy workloads, unfilled lines and increased interpersonal friction. We are tired and burning out. We cannot continue at this pace giving care to others without first looking after ourselves. It is not fair on our teams, our families, nor on us. We need assurance of psychologically safe and healthy work environments. Recruitment and retention must be priorities for our employers.
We have a long game ahead of us and need each and every one of us to prepare to stand firm and hold our ground as we bargain and negotiate for our future.
I respectfully ask for your vote to elect me as your president. I promise to continue to be a strong advocate to stand up for, and with, all of our membership.
Kindest regards, Becky

Dear Members of HSABC
How much do you value proper representation when you need it most? Think about it.
The basic definition of a labour union is “ an organization of workers formed for the purpose of advancing its Members’ interests in respect to wages, benefits and working conditions ”. Ask yourselves, is this actually the case?
We have an annual budget of over 22 million dollars.
So where is the money going? Why are we fighting internally? Who else are we battling? Are you being given all the facts? If so, how would you really know? How do we compare to other unions? Why in this internet/electronic age do we use outdated methods to participate? Why is it that less than 2% of members control the union and are permitted to vote in a democracy? Why are grievances taking years to resolve? Why do we rarely hear of grievance/ arbitration/legal wins?
There continues to be an increasing number of members who have voiced their concerns over a lack of timely support of everyday frontline issues such as Covid19 concerns, workplace bullying and harassment, poor working conditions, workplace injuries, etc.
I first ran in 2014 because I could no longer silently sit by as a union member, as the disparity between the goals the union leadership are increasingly disconnected from the needs of its members within the province, continues to grow.
This fact was clearly evident in the province-wide survey results that stated that over 61% of members wanted their fundamental right to vote for president. Sadly less than 2% voted to deny that basic right at the 2020 convention.
I have been a member for over 23 years and a union steward for nearly 20 years. I have and continue to serve as a truly democratically elected Board Director since April 2014.
Since 2014 and now again in 2021, I ask for your support. It continues to be an uphill battle to achieve a transparent, accountable and truly democratic union where every member has a vote and access to information to make informed decisions.
I will be providing my platform and more information in the coming weeks. Please feel free to contact me at my private email @email if you have any questions/concerns.
Joseph Sebastian
HSABC director region 4

Members of HSA,
I would like to thank Val Avery for her years of service as president. She has built strong relationships between HSA and other labour partners including BCFED, NUPGE, CLC and the NDP. She brought recognition to HSABC as an important player in the labour movement. Her work will be recognized for many years to come.
Achievements could not have been made without the assistance of HSA staff. Staff continues to build and nurture these relationships.
Leading HSA may appear daunting, but while sitting in the board room, observing the transformation of a president from the beginning of her term until the end, I can assure you that HSA is prepared to support and guide a new leader.
Why am I seeking to represent you as President of HSA? I want to put members at the front of the list of labour partners.
A president is both CEO and Board Chair. Administratively, we are well represented with staff that continue to build on past successes. Legislatively, there is much more that can be done to support a board that fulfils its role as a legislative body representing its members and ensuring that the resources paid by members are used for the benefit of the members.
There is a disconnect created between our activists and the members we represent. I want to bridge this gap and make the union more relevant to its members. Too often, delegates justify voting differently than our members because they believe they are more informed. Our delegates at convention should reflect the values of those we represent. Rather than assuming what is best for others, prior to convention, HSA should provide opportunities for all members to be informed.
I sit on provincial and regional OHS committees, populated by unions, employers, doctors, and government officials, where there is chatter about improving relationships. Everyone is in agreement that change is needed, but each time actions are delayed. Actions need to be brought to the words that are spoken.
We need better relationships between HSA, members, and employers. It’s my belief that the grievance system is broken. Delays resolving grievances are contributing to dysfunction where workers are abandoning grievances rather than submitting themselves to a process that like a dark cloud, often hovers on for years.
Just by running for office, I make a difference. I can make more of a difference if you elect me as your President.
Derrick Hoyt
HSA Presidential Candidate.
One candidate for President submitted nomination papers after the deadline to be published in the union's Annual Report. Click on the candidate's name to view their photo:

Delegate Registration
Only elected or designated delegates (Regional Directors, Members-at-Large, Chief Steward or their alternate) may register for Annual Convention. Elected delegates are elected at chapter-based meetings, and registration is not finalized until confirmed by the Chief Steward or alternate.
Convention 2021 will once again be on an online platform. As we our using a third party provider, we will not be able to accept any late registrations. All Delegates must be registered by April 30, 2021 at midnight. There will be no exceptions.
Delegate Entitlement
Delegate entitlement to the Convention is available to stewards by logging into the password-protected Steward Resources Page.
- The Resolutions Booklet is available for download. Convention delegates will be sent a printed copy.
- HSA's 2021 Annual Report is now available for download. The Annual Report contains executive reports, statements from Presidential candidates, financial statements, and committee and advisory group reports.
Bulletins and information
- May 21: Meet candidates for president on May 25 Telephone Town Hall meeting
- May 13: Call for candidates for Trial Committee - deadline May 28
- February 8: Memo from HSA President Val Avery Re: Convention 2021
- February 8: Memo to stewards: Submitting resolutions for Convention 2021
- February 5: Convention 2021: deadline for resolutions is March 12
- January 22: HSA 50th Anniversary Convention set for June 2-4, 2021; Resolutions deadline March 12, 2021