Events Archive


Participants will receive a virtual meeting link on approval of registration. Note: This event is only open to Labour Council Delegates, the Political Action Committee, and Board of Directors


DATE: November 6, 2023 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm LOCATION: Virtual – Zoom details to follow People with disabilities represent the world’s largest minority and the third largest economic power behind China and the United States. Yet disabled people still experience barriers, prejudice, and bias on a...


Date: Thursday, November 2, 2023 Time: 9am - 4:30pm Location: Virtual via ZOOM Prerequisite: HSA’s Basic Steward Training This one-day workshop is for stewards to review their role in meetings with management, and their role as advocates for HSA members. We will share strategies for how to resolve...


Constituency Liaison Workshop Be part of HSA’s non-partisan program focused on educating MLAs and Ministers about issues experienced throughout HSA. The issues we bring forward through the program are grounded in the experiences of you, HSA members. By joining the Constituency Liaison program, you...


HSA Lead and Assistant Lead Steward Training This one-day training session is for Lead Stewards and Assistant Lead Stewards. Priority access will be given to Lead and Assistant Lead Stewards that have never attended a Lead and Assistant Lead Steward workshop. As leaders in your chapter, you have...