HSA Votes 2024

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There's a provincial election this fall, and there's a lot at stake.

The winner of this election will make decisions that will directly affect the lives of HSA members at home and at work.

Our votes will decide whether to invest in public health care to benefit everyone, or privatize health care jobs to benefit investors.

And they will decide whether to negotiate the pay increases needed to get our health care system back on track, or cut billions of funding to pay for tax cuts.

A bar chart showing that the BC Liberals/Conservatives negotiated an average wage increase of 1.2% per year while the BC NDP negotiated an average increase of 3.7% per year

HSA is non-partisan so we don't endorse any political parties, but we are politically engaged and participate in issue-based campaigns particularly focused on public health care and labour rights. We know that our public health care system - and the professionals like you who keep it running — are under strain like never before. But we also know that the years of relentless advocacy from HSA, from the president and board to members on the front lines, are finally yielding results, and we can't afford to stop now.

So on October 19, 2024, vote to make your voice heard about the future you want to see.

Need more information? Email us at info [@] hsabc.org with your question.

Top Three Things You Need to Know About the Election

On October 19, British Columbians will vote for our next provincial government. Health care and housing affordability will be directly affected by the outcome. It's going to be a tight race in many communities. Your vote counts.

Do you want investment in health care, or funding cuts? Do you want a stronger public health care system, or privatization of your job? HSA is non-partisan, so we do not donate to or endorse any political parties. But we do inform our members about which parties support public health care, and which parties want to privatize and cut services. It's your choice.

As we start negotiations on your next contract, the winner of this election will form the government that decides what sort of pay increase you'll get. Parties that support public health care will invest in action on shortages and provide fair pay increases. Parties that support privatization and service cuts will make shortages worse and provide lower pay increases -- or maybe even pay cuts.

Learn More

The following information is from Elections BC

The 2024 BC election has been called. Final Voting Day is October 19, 2024.

You can vote if you are:

  • a Canadian citizen,
  • 18 or older on October 19, 2024, and
  • a resident of B.C. since April 18, 2024.

There are lots of ways to vote from now until Final Voting Day on October 19. Eligible voters can vote:

  • at any district electoral office during office hours
  • by mail
  • at advance voting from October 10-13, and October 15-16, or
  • on Final Voting Day, Saturday, October 19, 2024.

Find more details on our Ways to Vote page.

Where to vote

Check out our Where to Vote app to find voting places near you. The Where to Vote app shows district electoral offices, advance voting places, and voting places for Final Voting Day on October 19.