We want you to join us for our November 16th Young Workers Forum Registration Process: Registrants will be considered on a first-come first-serve basis Register by Midnight on Wednesday, November 1st Are you an HSA member and 35 or younger? Want to help promote awareness of young workers' issues in your union? Join us at HSA head office (in New...


We want you to join us for our November 16th Young Workers Forum Registration Process: Registrants will be considered on a first-come first-serve basis Register by Midnight on Wednesday, November 1st Are you an HSA member and 35 or younger? Want to help promote awareness of young workers' issues in...


HSA is pleased to once again host our members serving as OHS Stewards, JOHS committee reps, as well as Lead and General stewards from across the province for the biennial HSA OHS conference. This year’s conference will be held February 8 and 9 at the Hyatt Regency in Vancouver. The theme of this...

Date January 18, 2024 Time : 9am-4:30pm Location : Virtual via Zoom HSA is pleased to have Vikki Reynolds return to facilitate this one-day workshop during which she will differentiate vicarious trauma and burn out from the spiritual and ethical pain that our work engenders when we are unable to provide dignity and social justice to the people we want...


Date January 18, 2024 Time : 9am-4:30pm Location : Virtual via Zoom HSA is pleased to have Vikki Reynolds return to facilitate this one-day workshop during which she will differentiate vicarious trauma and burn out from the spiritual and ethical pain that our work engenders when we are unable to...

It’s hard to believe that another Labour Day weekend has come and gone. I hope that many of you were able to get out to events around the province put on by local Labour Councils promoting and celebrating the work of the labour movement. To keep informed about the work of the Canadian Labour Congress, sign up for regular news...


Know your rights if you need to go on a medical leave or are struggling in the workplace due to medical reasons. What financial supports are available to you? Do you know about your Long-Term Disability plan and benefits? Do you know about your Disability Management program (EDMP) that is cited in...

Basic Steward Training (three-day workshop) Stewards play a vital role in the union. This workshop will teach new stewards the skills to enable them to serve confidently in their role. Workshop content includes the role of the steward, organizing your chapter, grievance handling, and basic contract interpretation. Please register in only one workshop. Participants must commit to attending three consecutive...


Basic Steward Training (three-day workshop) Stewards play a vital role in the union. This workshop will teach new stewards the skills to enable them to serve confidently in their role. Workshop content includes the role of the steward, organizing your chapter, grievance handling, and basic contract...


Basic Steward Training (three-day workshop) Stewards play a vital role in the union. This workshop will teach new stewards the skills to enable them to serve confidently in their role. Workshop content includes the role of the steward, organizing your chapter, grievance handling, and basic contract...