You must respond to the letter from your former employer no later than October 14. BC health authorities have begun contacting former employees with instructions on how to access any retroactive payment they may be eligible to receive under the terms of the 2022-2025 Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) collective agreement. Former employees should have recently received or will...


You’re invited to take part in the celebration this Labour Day. For over one hundred years, union members have joined together on the first Monday in September to celebrate the contributions of working people and bring awareness to changes needed to keep workers healthy and safe. Whether through...

Caucuses are spaces for members from equity-denied groups to connect with other members with similar lived experience and identities to build solidarity and share knowledge and resources. There are three upcoming caucus meetings in September: 2SLGBTQIA+ Members Caucus Meeting | September 7 All HSA members who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ are invited to attend the next meeting of HSA’s 2SLGBTQIA+ Members...


You’re invited to take part in the celebration this Labour Day. For over one hundred years, union members have joined together on the first Monday in September to celebrate the contributions of working people and bring awareness to changes needed to keep workers healthy and safe. Whether through...

Shared on behalf of Community Action for Equity and Racial Justice (CAERJ) The attack on 2SLGBTQIA+ people and communities – especially targeting trans folk – from Uganda to Hungary to Florida to New Brunswick has reached our community of Delta. The Christian fascist group action4canada has staged weekly banner drops on the pedestrian overpass by the 17A/Ladner Trunk Road intersection...

éy swaye l (good day in Halq'eméylem). HSA’s Indigenous Circle is seeking two to four additional Indigenous members to join the Circle. The purpose of the Indigenous Circle is to create a safe, inclusive, and equitable workplace and union for Indigenous people. The work ahead includes: Support the union to be culturally safe, inclusive, transparent, and accountable to Indigenous members...

The dates have been set for HSA’s 2023 Annual Regional Meetings and Member-at-Large elections. Annual Regional Meetings are a forum for HSA activists and members to connect with other members in their region, and to get caught up on the union’s work. HSA President Kane Tse will report out on the priorities and activities of the Board of the Directors...

HEABC, Ministry of Health reveal security breach involving up to 240,000 health care employees’ e-mail addresses and other personal information. The Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) CEO Michael McMillan and Minister of Health Adrian Dix announced this afternoon a significant cybersecurity breach affecting health care employees’ personal information occurred on HEABC servers in June this year. HEABC said it...

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is taking time this Emancipation Day to reflect on the history of slavery and anti-Black racism in Canada. NUPGE represents 425,000 workers, including HSA members, across the country at the national level,. “On August 1, we are reminded that the struggle against racism is not complete. As a union we must...