We want you to join us for our December 9 Young Workers Forum Apply by Midnight on November 16th Are you an HSA member and 35 or younger? Want to help promote awareness of young workers' issues in your union? Join us at HSA head office (in New Westminster) on Friday, December 9 for a day of introductions, discussion, learning...

Registration Information: Stewards may register by logging into My Events Registration. Workshops are listed under Steward Education events. Basic Steward Training (three-day workshop) Stewards play a vital role in the union. This workshop will teach new stewards the skills to enable them to serve confidently in their role. Workshop content includes the role of the steward, organizing your chapter, grievance...

One of Canada's best labour schools is open for registration The CLC Winter School, held at Harrison Hot Springs in January and February 2023, offers a wide variety of high-quality labour-oriented courses. HSA members interested in helping better represent colleagues in the workplace and build a stronger union are encouraged to apply. For dates and course information, please see Information...


HSA's 2022 Convention will take place in-person on April 28 to 30, 2022 in Vancouver. However, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the union’s Board of Directors will monitor the situation and may shift to an online convention format over the same three days. The last two annual conventions, in...


HSA'S 50TH ANNIVERSARY CONVENTION IS SET FOR JUNE 2-4, 2021 ON AN ONLINE PLATFORM. PLEASE CHECK BACK LATER FOR MORE INFORMATION. *** ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED Election of President HSA’s 2021 50 th annual convention will include an election for the position of president. The two-year term...

The CBA bargaining committee resumed negotiations with HEABC on October 19 – 21, 2022. We have made some progress and are close to resolving outstanding non-monetary matters and we’re currently working to reach an agreement on changes to hours of work in both Article 14 and 15. However, HEABC (on behalf of the Provincial government) has reiterated that their initial...

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR HSA MEMBERS AFFECTED BY THE ORDER HEABC has announced that a Provincial Health Officer order from April 2020 restricting health care workers from working at multiple sites will be lifted effective January 1, 2023. The order affects health care workers at long-term care facilities, assisted living facilities, and provincial mental health facilities, and had an impact on...