
By Anne DavisHSA member and transition house workerThe call comes late at night. A woman is weeping; she says she has been beaten. Its not the first time and the attacks are more brutal each time. She is hurting and scared and doesnt know what to do. She thought her children were sleeping but now she knows the oldest child...

HSA is offering Political Action Fund support for members to attend a Municipal Election Issues & Campaign Strategies workshop being offered by the Canadian Labour Congress. Dates: January 16-21, 2011Location: CLC Winter School, Harrison Hot Springs This workshop will discuss basic campaign fundamentals, messaging and communications, campaign tactics, media relations, and the process of creating a campaign plan. These skills...

The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association continues to meet with the Health Employers Association of BC to negotiate a new collective agreement. Two weeks ago, the union association served notice to the employer that a concessionary package is completely unacceptable to health science professionals. In the ensuing two weeks, discussions have continued. The unions are optimistic that HEABC and the...

HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. We will be awarding ten scholarships for full-time studies, twenty bursaries for full-time studies, four bursaries for part-time studies, and two aboriginal scholarships. The criteria and details are set out on the application forms. To obtain a copy please see the HSA website. Completed application forms and transcripts...

Union encourages flu shotsHSA encourages health professionals to get immunized against seasonal influenza. Keep your immunization record current and your employee health file up to date by receiving a flu shot at an employer-run clinic. Together with hand washing and safe coughing protocols (eg coughing into sleeve), follow regular safety protocols to avoid seasonal flu. Employer can require flu shots...

HSAs bargaining team for CML Healthcare employees has reached a tentative agreement on a new contract providing significant gains. The union represents approximately 200 CML members on Vancouver Island and the Lower Mainland. The unions board of directors is recommending acceptance of the agreement. Wage increasesThe contract commences January 1, 2011, and expires December 31, 2015. The contract contains significant...

This week is National Medicare Week and a time to celebrate a defining feature of Canada. And this year the timing could not be more critical. Promoters of for-profit, privatized health care are on the offensive. Key figures in the federal government have made calls to dismantle national Medicare and end federal health transfers to the provinces. We are increasingly...

After eight months of bargaining for a new collective agreement, the Health Employers Association of BC (HEABC) last week finished tabling proposals amounting to significant concessions for the provinces health science professionals collective agreement. Chief Negotiator for the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) Maureen Headley said the package tabled is an insult to HSA and other union members covered...

The 2011 Canadian Labour Congress winter school, one of Canadas best labour schools, is scheduled for Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2011. Registration is now open. The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour-oriented courses. To support HSAs ability to represent HSA members effectively and to help build a stronger union, members and/or stewards...

Are you concerned about the BC government's introduction of hospital user fees? Worried about the state of Home and Community Care for seniors and disabilities? Troubled by the growth of for-profit clinics and their legal attack on Medicare?Federal Liberal Health Critic Ujjal Dosanjh has organized a Special Town Hall meeting on the future of Canadian Health Care to in Vancouver...