
HSA President Reid Johnson responds to Province editorial on the escalating costs of pharmaceuticals. Read the letter here.

The 3rd CLC Pension Conference attracted over 300 activists and experts to Ottawa last week ... making it one of our best-attended conferences, and with good reason. The future of secure pensions for working people is something unions have always held as a top priority. Delegates were treated to a wide variety of leading pension experts and a thorough line-up...

There isstill room available in the two-day OH&S Steward Training workshop on November26 & 27, 2007. Please register as soon as possible if you are interested inattending this workshop. OH&S Steward Training: November 26 and 27, 2007 Eligiblestewards should print a pre-registrationform and return it to the HSA Office(Attention: Karin Herbert) as soon aspossible. HSA will call you to confirmyour...

University of BC, School of Environmental Health, in cooperation with the Physiotherapy Association of British Columbia presents Ergonomic Assessment of Upper Limb Risk Factors for Effective Return-To-Work Programs. There are a few spaces left in the November 3 and November 29 workshops. Musculoskeletal disorders of the upper limbs, such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome, are a major source of...

One of Canadas best labour schools, held at Harrison Hot Springs, in January and February 2008 The CLC Winter School offers a wide variety of week-long, quality labour orientated courses. Past HSA participants have rated the courses and the experience highly. The school offers an opportunity to meet people from other unions and workplaces across BC. To support HSAs ability...

HSA's Committee for Equality and Social Action urges you to join the BC Federation of Labour campaign to Raise the Minimum WageMinimum wage earners working full-time should earn enough to stay above the poverty line. That can only be achieved by immediately raising the minimum wage to at least $10.00 per hour.The B.C. Federation of Labour, in cooperation with other...

HSA is offering two one-day workshops this Fall: Dates: Friday, November 23, 2007 Thursday, November 29, 2007 Place: HSA Office, 300 - 5118 Joyce Street, Vancouver HSA members who work in a supervisory role will have the opportunity to attend a one-day workshop at the HSA office. Supervisors have particular concerns and needs and sometimes feel -caught in the middle"...

Members in the Lower Mainland interested in geting women involved in municipal politics are welcome to attend the latest in the Talking Politcis series. Thursday, October 11 hear from Sue Hammell, MLA, who will speak about internationl examples. Menna Wong will focus on how to involve all communities. Loretta Woodcock will talk about her experience as a Vancouver Parks Board...

Hundreds of HSA members across BC participated in the CIBC Run for the Cure, held Sunday September 30. HSA is a gold-level sponsor.

Government documents obtained by the BC Health Coalition expose plans to expand the contracting out of surgeries to for-profit clinics even though the -Conversation on Health" public consultation has not yet concluded. In a July letter sent to all B.C.s private clinics, Deputy Minister Gordon Macatee asks clinic owners for information about their facilities operations in order to help government...