
As part of the Nurses Bargaining Association 2019-2022 collective agreement, effective April 1, 2020, HSA registered psychiatric nurses are eligible for partial reimbursement of fees paid to the BC College of Nursing Professionals (BCCNP). The rate of reimbursement has been set at $215 per member. To claim for partial reimbursement of your fees, pay your college fees to the BCCNP...

BC FEDERATION OF LABOUR NEWS RELEASE (Unceded Squamish, Tsleil-Waututh and Musqueam territories — Vancouver, BC) - The Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB)'s decision to presume COVID-19-related claims are workplace-related is a welcome step, the BC Federation of Labour said today. "It's good news that the Workers' Compensation Board has moved on this," BCFED president Laird Cronk said. "We're cautiously optimistic that...

RISING TOGETHER: WOMEN FOR A JUST ECONOMY Taking Stock & Resetting the Frame Thursday, July 23, 2020 at 4:30 p.m. PST An Invitation to a cross-country webinar from the Equal Pay Coalition On behalf of the Equal Pay Coalition and Canadian Research Institute for the Advancement of Women (CRIAW), through the financial support of the Atkinson Foundation and Canadian Women's...

The dates have been set for HSA’s Annual Regional Meetings as British Columbia’s restart gets underway this summer. The meetings will be held through September and October, and will be held on a virtual platform. There will be no in-person Regional Meetings. Each HSA chapter is entitled to at least one delegate to participate with voice and vote in the...

HSA Unions Confronting White Supremacy Virtual Workshop Last month Health Minister Adrian Dix reported on racist actions of healthcare workers. HSA strongly condemns these actions and has made a commitment to provide access to educational opportunities on anti-racist issues. HSA has completed a survey that explored experiences of discrimination at work by racialized members and the results will be made...

HSA members are invited to join a live and interactive telephone town hall event tomorrow evening – Thursday, June 25 at 7:00 pm (PST). This is an opportunity for the union to update members on important information regarding COVID-19 policies and practices that affect your work, to report on the union’s plans for the coming months, and for members to...

HSA’s Board of Directors has voted unanimously to waive the union’s policy on collecting union dues on all employment income to exclude employment income earned under the Temporary Pandemic Pay announced May 19. All HSA members working under the HSPBA, CBA, and NBA collective agreements will receive pandemic pay at a rate of $4 an hour on all straight hours...

HSA President Val Avery presented today to the provincial Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services, focusing on the need to address the shortage of critical health science professionals. The committee is holding virtual hearings to gather input on the development of the next BC Budget. If our public health care system is to be successful in fighting COVID-19...

The Canadian Labour Congress is hosting a free webinar this Wednesday, June 10 at 11am PST on the role of unions in combating anti-Black racism. The CLC's Larry Rousseau and Marie Clark-Walker will be joined by Sandy Hudson, a leader in the Black Lives Matter movement in Toronto. This is an opportunity for union members across the country to come...

Amid the horrific scenes coming out of the United States of continued police brutality against protesters in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd, Canada’s unions are expressing solidarity with Black communities everywhere, including in our own backyard. The fight against anti-Black racism and police brutality is based in the long, despicable history of slavery, oppression and colonization of...