The Report

The Report: April / May 2006 vol.27 num.2 by RITU MAHIL I am in a Grade I position under the Health Science Professionals Collective Agreement, and have been off work for the last nine months due to a disability. I am now ready to return to work, but will require some accommodation due to the ongoing nature of my disability...

The Report: January / February 2006 vol.27 num.1 n January 23, HSA members will once again head to the polls to elect a new federal government. The Members of Parliament we elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that HSA members provide. HSA urges members to examine the positions of the parties on...

The Report: January / February 2006 vol.27 num.1 These are sample questions; personalize your question and incorporate your own personal experiences to get clear answers from your candidates. Upon completing his extensive "Romanow Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada", Mr. Romanow concluded that advocates for greater privatization of health care and a parallel private system had provided...

The Report: January / February 2006 vol.27 num.1 by CINDY STEWART hen Carole Taylor, BCs Minister of Finance, announced in November that there is money on the table for the up-coming round of negotiations with public sector unions, including 99 per cent of HSA members, she signaled the real start of the public sector bargaining season. HSA has been preparing...

The Report: January / February 2006 vol.27 num.1 by BRUCE WILKINS What is the difference between mediation and arbitration? What role does mediation play in arbitration? Labour relations can often be an adversarial process, but parties are encouraged by the Labour Relations Code to try to resolve their differences in a more conciliatory manner. Unlike other forms of litigation where...

The Report: January / February 2006 vol.27 num.1 Debora Munoz takes her seat on Prince George Municipal Council Debora Munoz was still glowing a bit the morning after she was inaugurated as a new member of the Prince George city council. Having finally recovered from the sleep deprivation that accompanied the last weeks of her campaign, she had enjoyed every...

The Report: November / December 2005 vol.26 num.6 by CINDY STEWART On November 19, 2005 British Columbians head to the polls again. This time, its to elect mayors, municipal councillors, school trustees, and regional district representatives. In the past several years, HSA members have passed resolutions at annual conventions directing the union to do more to encourage HSA members to...

The Report: November / December 2005 vol.26 num.6 by RITU MAHIL A senior colleague of mine has retired and her job has been posted. I would like to apply but the employer has revised the job description and added all sorts of qualifications that were not required before. Could this possibly be the subject of a grievance? Yes. Qualifications must...

The Report: November / December 2005 vol.26 num.6 by LAURA BUSHEIKIN he old adage -Think globally, act locally" is nicely embodied in the person of Thalia Vesterback. As an HSA Member at Large for Region 9, Vesterback appreciates the opportunities union activism gives her. When she can help improve conditions for herself and colleagues, she is satisfied. Thalia Vesterback Member...

The Report: October / November 2005 vol.26 num.5 by CINDY STEWART n December 26, 2004 an earthquake rocked the ocean floor. The resulting devastation, and ultimately the loss of more than 150,000 lives, galvanized the worlds communities in an unprecedented relief effort. NUPGE components, including HSA, joined with unions across the country to respond to the call for help in...