
Important meeting tonight on the future of health care in Comox and Courtenay. Download PDF poster here.

HSA members are invited to attend the official opening for the TELUS Tour for the Cure in Penticton on Wednesday, June 14 at 11 a.m. at the Cherry Lane Shopping Centre.The TELUS Tour for the Cure is an informative and interactive exhibit that will travel to communities across British Columbia over the next eight months to promote the value and...

Wednesday, June 14 7:30-9:30 PM Royal Canadian Legion123 West 15th (at Lonsdale), North Vancouver Come hear whats right and whats wrong about the planned -Primary Access Health Care Centre" to be built and owned by private developers on the grounds of Lions Gate Hospital. Speakers ... Richard Neal and Mary-Ann Abbs, BC Health Coalition Come out and give your views...

The Labour Peace Forum, taking place at the University of B.C. June 25 and 26, will feature discussion about trade unions' experiences in the peace movement around the world. Featured presenters include: Thulas Nxesi, the current President of Education International and the General Secretary of the South African Democratic Teachers' Union; Abdulla Musin, International Representative of the Iraqi Workers' Federation...

HSA members are invited to attend the official opening for the TELUS Tour for the Cure in Vernon on Wednesday, May 31 at 11 a.m. at the Village Green Mall. The TELUS Tour for the Cure is an informative and interactive exhibit that will travel to communities across British Columbia over the next eight months to promote the value and...

The Report, HSA's official publication published six times per year, has been awarded the Ed Finn Award for best feature story by the national 450-member Canadian Association of Labour Media (CALM). The article "Health care workers face highest risk" by Carol Riviere and Yukie Kurahashi was an in-depth feature on workplace violence in the health care setting. It featured HSA...

Ottawa (23 May 2006) - The International Labour Organization has blasted the government of Canada in extraordinarily frank language for failing to uphold international labour standards that it is obligated to enforce. Ottawa has also been rebuked for not using its influence to bring offending Canadian provinces into compliance with the United Nations labour standards.Canada now ranks as the fifth...

HSA members in Region 1 have acclaimed Suzanne Bennett as their representative to HSAs Board of Directors. She was acclaimed after the May 18, 2006 deadline passed with no further nominations. Suzanne is the first HSA member from the community social services sector to serve on the board.Suzanne is a youth addictions counsellor at the John Howard Society in Courtenay...

A complete wage grid " and wage rates " effective April 1, 2006 for the 2006 ... 2010 Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) is now available for viewing and downloading on the HSA website at www.hsabc.org. The wage rates and grid levels reflect the changes negotiated in the recent round of collective bargaining. "The wage schedule applies to most...

In early May, HEABC met with the Health Sciences Association (HSA) representing the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association and representatives of the Community Bargaining Association, the Facilities Bargaining Association and the Nurses Bargaining Association to discuss language within the new collective agreements regarding the effective date of wage increases. The new health sector collective agreement language, which has been recently...