
DATE: February 11, 2025 TIME: 9:00 am to 4:30 pm (PST) LOCATION: Virtual – via Zoom People with disabilities represent the world’s largest minority and the third largest economic power behind China and the United States. Yet disabled people still experience barriers, prejudice, and bias on a daily basis. Our combination Disability Awareness/Disability Justice workshop challenges all to more fully...

Date: February 20, 2025 Time: 9am to 4:30pm PST Location: Virtual via Zoom HSA has successfully negotiated psychological health and safety language for each of its public health collective agreements. Employers are now required to cooperate in the promotion of psychologically healthy and safe working conditions and practices, using the guidance of the Canadian Standards Association (CSA) Psychological Health and...

Matthew Miller, who currently serves as HSA lead steward at Nanaimo Regional General Hospital, has been acclaimed as the Regional Director in Region 1 – representing members working in central and northern Vancouver Island. Miller, a diagnostic medical sonographer, is an active union member. In addition to serving as lead steward, he is a worker representative on his worksite’s joint...

Date: March 11-12, 2025 Time: 9am to 4:30pm PST, one hour for lunch Location: Virtual via Zoom Supervisors were some of the founding members of HSA when the union was first organized, and HSA is unique in terms of the number of supervisors who are included in the union. This workshop is for HSA supervisors who want to learn more...

Jing-Yi Ng, a clinical pharmacist at Eagle Ridge Hospital, has been acclaimed to a third term as the Region 3 representative on HSA's Board of Directors. Ng is currently HSA's Vice President and is one of two Board representatives on the HSPBA Bargaining Committee. Her two-year term will expire at the end of HSA's 2027 Convention. Having worked as a...

Two candidates have been nominated to represent HSA members who work in Region 9 on the union’s board of directors: Gina Sanche and Kathy Anderson. Please click here to see their candidate statements. The successful candidate will assume the position of Regional Director for a two-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of HSA's 2025 annual convention. All Candidates...

Two candidates have been nominated to represent HSA members who work in Region 7 on the union’s board of directors: Sarah Kooner and Sonia Andhi Bilkhu. Please click here to see their candidate statements. The successful candidate will assume the position of Regional Director for a two-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of HSA's 2025 annual convention. All...

Three candidates have been nominated to represent HSA members who work in Region 5 on the union’s board of directors: Carla Gibbons, Lisa Daechsel, and Ash Oberoi. Please click here to see their candidate statements. The successful candidate will assume the position of Regional Director for a two-year term, which will begin at the conclusion of HSA's 2025 annual convention...

Anti-Racism Workshop Date: March 25-26, 2025 Time: 9:00am-4:30pm PST Location: Virtual via Zoom How do health care and social services professionals begin to put a dent in the racial inequities that exist in our fields? Join us for a two-day anti-racism workshop and active learning session to explore how we can participate in anti-racist change in British Columbia's health care...

The following bulletin contains important information for HSA members covered by the Community Social Services collective agreement paraprofessional wage schedule. Many members in supervisory roles and in classifications comparable to the Health Science Professional collective agreement’s Disciplines Allied to Social Work (i.e. counselling professions) are likely affected by these changes. The 2023 and 2024 wage schedules for paraprofessional occupations have...