
HSA, on behalf of the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA), recently met with employers March 10 to 12 to negotiate a resolution to the approximately 1500 grievances related to the 2013 transition to a 37.5 hour work week. Aided by veteran arbitrators Vince Ready and Corrine Bell, some progress was achieved. A ruling is expected shortly to address management's...

BC HEALTH COALITION The current Health Accord expires March 31st, 2014 and the federal government is refusing to renegotiate it. Expiration of the accord will result in a $36 billion dollar cut to public health care, and an additional $16.5 billion dollar cut to health care equalization payments. On March 31, people across the country will be holding rallies to...

Health Sciences Association of BC, a union representing mental health professionals working in hospitals and communities across the province, will hold a public forum on mental health services March 31 in Vancouver. Download and share the poster “Support for British Columbians struggling with mental illness and mental health is desperately needed. The HSA members who work every day with patients...

HSA’s Registered Psychiatric Nurses are encouraged to apply for education funding to cover costs related to participation in the College of Registered Psychiatric Nurses of BC (CRPNBC) Annual Education Day scheduled for Friday, May 9 2014 in Coquitlam. The education day – TRAUMA – It Affects Us All - focuses on providing valuable insights into the various forms of trauma...

Bill 7, the Laboratory Services Act was introduced in the BC Legislature by the Liberal government on February 17, 2014, and is currently at the stage of first reading. The proposed legislation makes significant changes in several areas, including the legislative framework, governance and funding models for medical laboratory services. A general overview of these changes is available here on...

In preparation for the 2014 Annual Convention, HSA's Annual Report is now available for all members to read at http://www.hsabc.org/about/annual-reports. Featuring executive reports from HSA's president and director of labour relations and legal services, reports from HSA's committees, audited financial statements and a full list of resolutions submitted to the upcoming convention, the Annual Report provides members and the public...

VANCOUVER Flash Mob March 8 at 1:00 pmCome by the Vancouver Art Gallery, Robson Street side, wearing something that is white, purple and green, and show your support for the statement "Women's Rights are Human Rights". Presented by We Can BC, Amnesty International, Oxfam, VDLC, Maureen McGrath, and UFCW Local 247. Vancouver and District Labour Council's Women's Committee: IWD Dinner...

(deadline extended from original date of FebRUARY 28) HSA is offering scholarships and bursaries to all members and their children. Ten scholarships will be awarded for full-time studies, twenty bursaries for full-time studies and four bursaries for part-time studies. Two aboriginal scholarships will be awarded to aboriginal students in BC.The criteria and details are set out on the application forms...

All HSA Registered Psychiatric Nurses are reminded that you will have until next Thursday, February 27, 2014 to file a grievance about lack of drug coverage. Decisions about grievance remedies will be made after February 27 once a full review of every individual grievance has been completed. To file a grievance on your behalf HSA requires that you complete the...

Agreement includes wage adjustments and pay increases Community social service workers have voted by 85 per cent in favour of ratifying a new collective agreement that includes wage adjustments and increases of up to 11.5 percent over five years. The new collective agreement will be in effect from April 1, 2014 until March 31, 2019. Community Living workers ratified the...