
NUPGE’s “Fairness Express” bus will be touring BC from August 16 th to September 21 st. The Fairness Express is part of our National Union’s ongoing campaign to promote income equality, fair taxation, and the value of public services and unions. The Fairness Express will stop at community events and busy locations in more than 25 towns around the province...

HSA members throughout the province who are running for office or working in BC’s upcoming local government elections may apply for financial support from HSA’s Political Action Fund as follows: 1. Members who are candidates may apply for up to 10 days of wage replacement and/or up to $200 to cover approved personal expenses incurred to run for office. 2...

HSA will hold information meetings for Biomedical Engineering Technonologists (BMETs) this week and next to update members on the implementation of the 37.5 hour work-week and the introduction of evening shifts. The meetings are scheduled as follows. Members are invited to attend any of the three meetings. VANCOUVER: Thursday, June 26 6 – 8 p.m. Holiday Inn (Ballroom East), 711...

Stewards play a vital role in the union. Particularly important is the steward's role in contract interpretation, organizing and the grievance procedure. In recognition of the need for educating new stewards in these areas, HSA is offering a 3-day Basic Steward Training workshop at the HSA office this fall: Dates: September 15, 16, 17 Location: HSA Office, 300 – 5118...

BC teachers will conduct rotating strikes beginning next week to back demands for a fair contract that puts students first. The union has provided advance notice of their picket action in order to ensure parents are able to make alternative arrangements. For information about the picketing in your school district, see here: http://www.bctf.ca/uploadedFiles/Public/Parents/RotatingStrikesMessageT… HSA members who encounter a picket line...

This conference is open to any HSA member representing the union on a Joint Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Wage loss, travel and hotel costs will be covered according to HSA policies. On-line registration is open until midnight, Sunday, May 25 The proposed agenda is as follows: DAY 1: Monday, June 16th 8:30 a.m. Registration, Coffee and Pastries9:00 a.m. Conference...

HSA will be at the bargaining table May 15 to represent the interests of registered psychiatric nurses as the Nurses Bargaining Association kicks off contract talks. HSA will be represented at the table by Larry Bryan, an RPN at Haro Park Centre and a member of the Provincial Occupational Health, Safety and Violence Prevention Committee, and a member of the...

Work needed to complete files to include in expedited hearing process Employers who failed to follow a fair and negotiated process for a transition to the 37.5 hour work week will have to start over, thanks to a decision by arbitrators Vince Ready and Corinn Bell.A feature of the 2012 – 2014 negotiated collective agreements covering health care workers, including...

Across Canada, April 28 has been designated the Day of Mourning, a time when workers, families, employers and others come together to remember those who have lost their lives to work-related incidents or occupational diseases. Please refer to this calendar for a complete list of Day of Mourning events around the province. The B.C. Federation of Labour, the New Westminster...

HSA president Val Avery listens to Ingrid Sochting, an HSA member and chief psychologist for Richmond mental health outpatient services. HSA marked yesterday's expiry of the Canadian Health Accord with a public forum on mental health services. "For the past three years, Prime Minister Harper has refused to meet with the provinces to discuss the renewal of the health accord...