2007 HSA Convention to be held April 19-21 in Vancouver

Highlights include election of a new HSA president

The next HSA Convention will take place April 19-21, 2007 at the Fairmont Hotel in Vancouver.

The 2007 convention is shaping up to be once of the most exciting conventions in recent memory as delegates will elect a new union president for the first time in 14 years.

HSA President Cindy Stewart, who has served in the position since 1993, announced at last year's convention that she will not be seeking re-election for another term. Nominations for the position of president open December 4, 2006 and will remain open until the final call for nominations at convention.

All HSA members are welcome to attend and speak at the convention. However, only delegates have the right to vote.

For chapters with 49 or fewer members, the HSA chief steward is the sole delegate. If the chief steward is not attending convention, an alternate should be identified. Chapters with more than 49 members are entitled to one additional delegate for each additional 50 members or portion thereof.

Chief stewards must provide the names of delegates to the HSA Office no later than Wednesday, March 14, 2007. The exact date and time of your delegate selection meeting will posted on your union notice board.
