Agreement reached for transferred Cardiology Technologists

TheHealth Science Professional Bargaining Association (HSPBA) has reachedagreement with the Health Employers Association of British Columbia concerningthe terms of transfer for Cardiology Technologists.

Theagreement is effective February 22, 2006 ... the date the Labour Relations Boarddetermined that Cardiology Technologists, including ElectrodiagnosticTechnologists, are in the Health Science Professional bargaining unit and arerepresented by HSA.

Thetransfer agreement confirms that HEABC has directed its member employers toapply all provisions of the HSPBA Collective Agreement to the affectedemployees, effective February 22, 2006, or as soon as administratively possibleafter that date. It states that theaffected employees will have their positions classified in accordance with aMemorandum of Understanding regarding Cardiology Technologist Classifications. Affected employees are covered by agrandparenting agreement. Wage protectionapplies if an employees pay rate is higher than that established by theclassification for the position.

HSAsMembership Services Coordinator, Kathy McLennan, negotiated the agreement onbehalf of the HSPBA and was joined on the negotiating committee by CardiologyTechnologists Sharon Martin and Jennifer Travers.

-TheHSPBA knew it was important to establish classifications using standardprinciples, which included evaluating education qualifications and respectingintra- and interdisciplinary grid level relationships," McLennan says. -We also knew it was important to recognizethat a members knowledge, skills and abilities may have been acquired throughqualification, training and/or experience outside of a Canadian Society ofCardiology Technologists-recognized diploma program. The parties came to an agreement that is fairand reasonable, both in the context of current work assignments for CardiologyTechnologists and in respecting classification principles."

SharonMartin, a Cardiology Technologist with the Vancouver Island Health Authoritysays that she is pleased with the agreement. -I was one of the people involved in seeking LRB recognition of healthscience professional status for Cardiology Technologists," says Martin. -As a new HSA steward, it was interesting tosee the negotiating process through to completion. Our committee and HEABCs committee took aproblem-solving approach to negotiations and I believe we have reached a goodagreement that will satisfy my colleagues."

JenniferTravers, a Cardiology Technologist at Lions Gate Hospital,who serves on the board of the Cardiology Technologists Association of BC andis also a new HSA steward, adds -The CTABC has been lobbying to establish adiploma qualification as the entry-to-practice credential for CardiologyTechnologists. I am happy that thisagreement identifies and respects the qualifications held by current CardiologyTechnologists and provides a classification incentive for future employees toattain their diploma qualification."

Theparties are taking steps to have the agreed-upon classifications listed in thenew Collective Agreement under the Industry-Wide Miscellaneous Rates. Classifications were established for thepositions of Staff (Diploma) at grid level 6; Staff (Non-Diploma) at 90% ofgrid level 6; Pacemaker Technologist at grid level 8; Supervisor I andSupervisor II at grid levels 8 and 9, respectively.

HSAwill be mailing more detailed information to all Cardiology Technologistmembers and their Chief Stewards. Members should direct any queries regarding this agreement to theirChief Steward.
