Federal election advance voting

In the last federal election, more than a third of Canadians eligible to vote didn't. It was the worst voter turnout in Canada's history. HSA urges members to help reverse this trend. Your vote does make a difference - and the Members of Parliament you elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that HSA members provide.

Three days of advance voting will be held throughout BC, to help ensure voters can get to the polls:

Advance Voting:

Friday, January 13 - 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm
Saturday, January 14 - 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm
Monday, January 16 - 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm

Every registered voter should have received a "Voter Information Card" in the mail which shows where you go to advance vote, as well as where you vote on election day (Note: these may be 2 different locations). Eligible voters who have not received a voting card can find out where to vote by contacting your local Elections Canada office, or any candidate's campaign office in your riding. Unregistered voters who are eligible to vote can register at the voting place when you go to vote during either advance voting or on Election Day. Make sure you know where you are supposed to vote because, unlike the recent provincial election, all voters, registered and unregistered, must vote at their assigned voting location (unless you are voting by mail-in ballot, or by special ballot at your local Elections Canada office).

For more information on voter eligibility, voting by mail and other special voting opportunities in federal elections, see the Elections Canada website at www.elections.ca.

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