Getting you the information

The Report: October 2000 vol.21 num.5


As Communications Director, Rebecca Maurer is responsible for ensuring that HSA members receive timely information about union events and activities. She is responsible for issuing bulletins and keeping HSAs web site current and informative. She also serves as Managing Editor of The Report.

The Communications Director also coordinates media, public, and government relations for the union. She is responsible for writing various materials, such as news releases, backgrounders, letters to the editor and opinion pieces. She also coordinates HSAs campaigns and lobbying efforts. She is currently working on two campaigns - one on rehabilitation services, and one on the shortage of paramedical professionals.

Another key aspect of the Communication Directors job is to provide information and support to the HSA Board of Directors and staff, including speakers notes, briefing binders and speeches. Rebecca also serves as the staffperson on the Elections Committee.

Yukie Kurahashi, Communications Officer, is responsible for coordinating the production of various HSA publications - such as the Stewards and Safety Stewards Manuals, educational and organizing materials, and the Annual Report. 

Her primary responsibility, however, is as editor of The Report. She develops the storylist, interviews members and staff, covers rallies and meetings, and writes and edits articles. Once the articles are approved by the Communications Director and President, she designs and lays out the magazine.

Administrative Secretary Pattie McCormack capably assists the department by sending out bulletins, maintaining up-to-date media files, and assisting with publication schedules. She is an integral part of the communications team.
