Good news for working people in BC

In a welcome move for people who are struggling with low wages and high prices, the government of BC announced changes to make it easier for people to form a union.

 “Single-step union certification” allows people a simple and effective way to form a union if at least 55% choose to do so. It addresses the difficulties that workers have experienced in organizing unions since the multi-stage system was imposed in 2001, and replaces it with a process that automatically certifies a union that achieves a majority of support.

Today’s announcement is also a tribute to members of the BC labour movement, including HSA activists and members, who have been working for these changes for over two decades.

Union membership is higher under the single-step process, which means all workers, especially those in precarious and low wage jobs, will find it easier to form a union. In turn, these workers will be able to join together through their union to negotiate for better pay, benefits (including sick leave and extended health benefits), and Improved health and safety on the job.

HSA President Kane Tse welcomed today’s announcement.

“For too long, labour laws in British Columbia have been tilted in favour of employers who oppose workers getting organized into unions, and the increased power they achieve as a result” he said.

“The legislation introduced today returns balance to union organizing laws in BC. Thank you to all the union activists who have worked so hard to win this important improvement for working people in BC,” he said.

Full details of the government announcement here.

See the BC Federation of Labour’s reaction to todays announcement here.

In-depth background from the BC Federation of Labour on why single-step certification works see their submission to the BC Government during the 2018 Labour Code Review (page 9, ‘Membership Cards’)