Health Sciences Association of BC donates $10,000 to fire relief fund
The Health Sciences Association of BC announced today a $10,000 donation to the Canadian Red Cross BC Forest Fire Fund, to support relief efforts in British Columbia's devastating forest fires.
"This has been a devastating month for hundreds of families across BC. The immediate danger and personal stress has taken a toll on whole communities - from residents and volunteers to the people whose job it is to provide public safety, including fire fighting, policing and health care," HSA President Cindy Stewart said.
"People are exhausted, emotionally and physically, and when they look ahead, the task of starting anew is a daunting one," she said.
This donation is being made on behalf of the 14,000 members of the Health Sciences Association who provide clinical, diagnostic and rehabilitation services - as well as community social services throughout the province.
"These are the professionals who are on the front lines working with families facing difficult circumstances every day. As the union of caring professionals, we know people need the support of their communities to recover from personal tragedies," Stewart said.
Contact: Miriam Sobrino
Director Strategic Communications
& Member Development
604 439 0994 office
604 328 2886cell