HSA fighting for the rights of RPNs to apply for jobs without disclosing private information to BCNU

HSA is aware that the BC Nurses Union is soliciting HSA members to apply for more than 1,500 nursing jobs announced jointly with the provincial government last week. The jobs are to replace the use of casual nurses and overtime to address staffing challenges in nursing across the province.

While HSA has advocated for the creation of positions in the health care system, including in psychiatry where RPNs are so critically needed to meet increasing demands for care, HSA was excluded from the negotiations that led to last week’s publicity. HSA was not consulted on the deal struck between the government and the BCNU that puts all nurses in a position of handing their personal information over to the BCNU in order to apply for jobs, even if they are not members of that union.

HSA members interested in obtaining one of the new positions are encouraged to apply directly to the Health Authority, and specify that you do not consent to your personal information being shared with BCNU. Members are also asked to copy HSA on your application to ensure you have union support in the application and hiring process.

HSA condemns the process whereby the BCNU, government, and health authorities have reached secret deals without notice to or consultation with HSA, which is the bargaining agent for 1,000 nurses in BC. HSA is concerned that as part of its continuing campaign to move nurses from HSA and other unions to the BCNU, the BCNU continues to negotiate special deals for nurses, deliberately excluding HSA RPNs, in order to increase pressure on RPNs to change unions.

HSA has filed an application with the Labour Relations Board challenging the legality of the agreements which appear to have been reached between BCNU, the Health Authorities and the Government, and which are providing the BCNU with improper access to HSA members’ personal information.

The hearing is scheduled to proceed tomorrow, Thursday January 28 and Friday.

HSA will keep members advised of the developments and how they affect your opportunity to apply for the permanent positions that are to be created.
