HSA members and activists deserve to be recognized

The Report: April / May 2000 vol.21 num.2


This year, with convention being scheduled for the end of March, HSAs annual cycle is two months shorter then usual. In many contexts, two months may not seem like a long time, but it is significant when a 12-month cycle is tight at the best of times.

We have noticed the loss of those two months this year, as a few of the resolutions from last years convention still require some work before they are completed. But, on the whole, I believe the re-balancing of the yearly cycle will prove to be extremely beneficial in facilitating the work of the union. We have already felt the positive benefits of coming out of the Christmas break focused on planning for convention, knowing that the Board, committees and staff can get well into the new mandate before summer arrives.

The demands put upon the union, both internally and externally, continue to grow as evidenced by the number of resolutions (over 80) submitted this year.

As well, we have to be prepared and able to deal with issues that present in the course of a year. It takes careful and dedicated planning to ensure that each subject ... those that arise from convention as well as those that arise through the year ... is given its due time and attention. It is a fine balancing act of demands, resources and priorities.

Convention is not only about setting the course for the year and beyond ... it is also about taking stock and celebrating the accomplishments of the year just past. We can point to the many achievements of the union, including our successes in bargaining, in organizing and in resolution of difficult workplace issues; but this year the focus of our celebration is rightfully about the members.

The HSA activists profiled at this years convention are examples of what we know is the norm, not the exception ... HSA members are active and contributing participants in their union, their workplace and their community. Convention is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge and recognize the contributions made by the members of HSA. We have remarkable individuals within our union and we are fortunate to have so many talented people who are willing to apply their skills.

This years convention is a salute to all our members that give so much of themselves. At work, in the community and in the union • without a doubt, HSA members do make a difference.
