Labour Peace Forum to feature international speakers

The Labour Peace Forum, taking place at the University of B.C. June 25 and 26, will feature discussion about trade unions' experiences in the peace movement around the world.
Featured presenters include: Thulas Nxesi, the current President of Education International and the General Secretary of the South African Democratic Teachers' Union; Abdulla Musin, International Representative of the Iraqi Workers' Federation; Patricia Buritica, who represents civil societies on teh Reparations and Reconciliation Commission based in Colombia; Shaher Saed, General Secreaty of the Plestinian General Federation of Trade Unions, and Ingo Schmidt, a member of teh European Workig Group for Alternative Economic Policies and co-editor of the German labour journal, Goettinger Betriebsexpress.
Download the complete agenda and registration information here.
Visit the World Peace Forum website here.