Municipal Pension Plan Changes – New Resources for Plan Members

Following a comprehensive review of the Municipal Pension Plan, the pension plan for most HSA members, the Plan Partners – which includes employee and employer representatives who govern the jointly trusteed pension plan – have developed a package of proposed changes to update the plan.

The proposed changes are complex and linked: a change to one part of the plan impacts another, so it is important to see the proposed redesign as a package, which can be difficult. In an attempt to explain the changes in a more engaging and interactive way, new resources have been made available to assist MPP members with understanding the proposed changes to update their pension plan.

A recording of the webinar presentation, provided by plan partners, can be viewed online at HSA considers this webinar to be the best source of information on the proposed changes, and we encourage members to watch the recording.

If you are unable to view the webinar presentation, or if you would like a reference after viewing, the webinar slide deck is available online. 

For those who cannot view the webinar, additional information has been added to the FAQs on the MPP Redesign website. 

There is also an online calculator that members can use to see the estimated effect of the proposed changes on their retirement. 

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