NBA Preparing for Contract Negotiations

With the current contract set to expire March 31, the lead union in the Nurses Bargaining Association (NBA) has elected their representatives, and preparations for negotiations are under way.

The BC Nurses Union (BCNU) is the lead union in the NBA, and BCNU met last month to elect their representatives to the bargaining committee and prioritize bargaining proposals.

NBA members represented by HSA have already completed these steps, meeting last October at a bargaining proposal conference to prioritize proposals submitted by over 1000 RPN members of HSA, and electing Nicole McIntosh, an RPN at St. Paul’s Hospital, to represent them at the table alongside staff negotiations lead Colette Barker.

Dates for negotiations have not yet been scheduled. When the current contract expires March 31, its provisions will be in force until a new contract is negotiated and ratified in a vote that will include all members.

For more information about how bargaining works, talk to your steward, or visit the NBA bargaining updates page at Health Sciences Association | NBA Bargaining, where you can view an HSA video on the bargaining process. 

HSA will be reporting to members on the progress of negotiations in the coming weeks and months. These updates will be provided by email, so it’s important to keep your contact information up to date. Starting this week, HSA will be proactively reaching out to NBA members by email, voice mail, and phone to update contact information. To check to see if HSA has your current information, visit the Member Contact Update Form, and please encourage your colleagues to do the same. 
