New Island Health travel reimbursement policy violates HSPBA Contract

New Island Health travel reimbursement policy violates HSPBA contract
Policy raises barriers to reimbursement of work-related expenses 

HSA has filed a policy grievance with Island Health Authority for introducing a policy related to travel expenses that violates the collective agreement.

IHA has updated its 2006 Travel policy for staff who are required to travel and/or use personal vehicles for work. The updated policy fails to follow Article 26 of the HSPBA Collective Agreement -Transportation Allowance and Travel Expenses.

The policy, updated by IHA recently violates members’ contract rights in a number of ways, including:

  • Reimbursement of work-related expenses paid out of pocket is denied if not filed within one month
  • Reimbursement of work-related travel expenses is reduced
  • Meal allowances are reduced

HSA, on behalf of the HSPBA, filed a policy grievance last week.

Members who are denied work-related travel and meal expense are urged to file individual policy grievances. Please speak to a union steward or your union office.

HSA members may contact HSA at @email for assistance

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