Region 8 meeting set for September 24

HSA regional meeting
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
8:30 a.m. ... 4:00 p.m.
Grand Okanagan Resort
-Columbia Room"
1310 Water Street, Kelowna

Regional meetings are an excellent forum for HSA members to review the issues and activities of the past year, and discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. The meeting will be chaired by your Region
8 Director, Joan Magee, and HSA president Reid Johnson will report on union activities since the April 2008 Convention.

All HSA members are encouraged to attend this meeting. However, only those members who have -delegate status" will be eligible for reimbursement of expenses.

If you are interested in attending the regional meeting, please contact your Chief Steward. All application forms must be signed by the Chief Steward.

In conjunction with the regional meeting, HSA will be holding a one-day education workshop open to all regional meeting delegates. This years workshop will include 2 half-day sessions, with a focus on selected
contract interpretation issues for one half of the day, and the other half devoted to discussion and recommendations about the unions strategic plan.

Education Workshop
Thursday, September 25, 2008
8:30 a.m. ... 4:00 p.m.
Grand Okanagan Resort
-Shuswap Room"
1310 Water Street, Kelowna, BC

Application forms can be found on HSAs website. You must be a registered user of the website to access the regional meeting information and registration forms. To register, follow the easy registration steps at
