<i>The Report</i> kicks off the new year with a make-over

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1


Over the next few months, you will notice some exciting changes to The Report.Some of these changes are evident in this issue, and other will be phased in over time.They are all a part of our attempt to provide HSA members with a better qualitypublication that is relevant to your needs and interests.

One of the key changes we have made is a shift from eight to six issuesper year. The Editorial Advisory Group which oversees The Report agreed that byreducing the number of issues to six, we can produce a better publication with moreregular features and more original stories about the issues and challenges that ourmembers face on the job.

To do this effectively, we need your help. If you have ideas for astory ... or better yet, if you want to submit an article ... please contact theCommunications Department at the HSA office. In order for The Report to be relevantand meaningful, we need to hear from you.

One of the requests we often receive from members is more informationabout the roles and responsibilities of HSA staff.

In this issue, we begin a regular feature which profiles the staff whowork in the HSA office. We begin this month with the Labour Relations Officers, the staffwith whom members have the most direct contact. Over the several months, we will profileother departments at HSA including the Legal Department, Organizing, Education,Communications, Research, and support staff.

The Report is widely regarded as one the best publications inthe labour movement, but there is always room for improvement. We hope you will take thetime to read through the next few issues and let us know what you think. You can provideyour feedback to HSAs Director of Communications, Rebecca Maurer either in writingor by e-mail at rebecca@hsabc.org
