Supervisors in the Union

HSA is offering two one-day workshops this Fall:

Dates:  Friday, November 23, 2007
           Thursday, November 29, 2007

Place:   HSA Office, 300 - 5118 Joyce Street, Vancouver

HSA members who work in a supervisory role will have the opportunity to attend a one-day workshop at the HSA office.

Supervisors have particular concerns and needs and sometimes feel -caught in the middle".  One of the goals of the "Supervisors in the Union" workshop is to resolve apparent conflicts and clear the lines of communication between supervisors and HSA in order to improve working relationships.

Topics on the agenda include handling grievances, dealing with conflict of interest, evaluations, discipline, WCB, dealing with employees returning to work from WCB or LTD leave, and an open forum for questions. 

Any HSA member is eligible to attend.  HSA will reimburse transportation costs (on the basis of mileage or most economical airfare), shared hotel accommodation costs, meal costs, dependant care (reimbursed where necessary to enable members to attend the workshop) and wage replacement, according to HSA policy.

Please fax your completed application (see below), to the HSA office, as soon as possible or by the deadline.  Registration will be on a -first come" basis.

Education Fax:  (604) 419-5195 or 1 (800) 663-6119 for out-of-town.

Deadlines for registration:
November 2 (for November 23 workshop)
November 8 (for November 29 workshop)

Please contact Leila Lolua, HSA Education Officer, if you have any questions.  HSA will call you to confirm your registration.

Printer-friendly version, including application form.
