Talking about Health Care
As health care professionals, HSA members have a great deal of expertise to contribute to the current public discussion about the future of public health care. As individuals, we have many questions and concerns about where Premier Campbell intends to take our health care system, and what it will mean for our communities, our families and ourselves.
HSA is offering a 2-day workshop where members can learn about and discuss the successes of, and challenges facing, our Medicare system. Members will also talk about ways to ensure that our family, friends, co-workers and other members of our communities have accurate information to use in deciding what kind of health care system will provide the best health care for everyone in B.C.
As part of this workshop, members will have the opportunity to attend an information session hosted by the BC Health Coalition and Canadian Health Coalition.
WORKSHOP DATES: November 15 & 16, 2006
#300 - 5118 Joyce Street, Vancouver
Interested members should complete the attached application form and return it to the HSA Office (Attention: Pattie McCormack). Mail or fax your registration forms as soon as possible, and by Wednesday November 8, 2006 at the latest (Fax: 604.419.5197 in the Lower Mainland or 1.800.663.6119 for out-of-town). HSA will call you to confirm your registration.
For further information about this workshop, please contact Carol Riviere, Communications Officer, at the HSA office.