Time limits modified to benefit members

The Report: February / March 2000 vol.21 num.1


Some favourable news for members who are injured or disabledfrom working: previously, some HSA members have had problems collecting Long TermDisability benefits when they had been injured at work and collected workerscompensation.

Workers will sometimes find that their WCB benefits are terminatedbefore they are ready to return to work. If this is the case, they can file an appeal withthe WCB. But this process takes time, and in the interim they may need to collect LTD.

In the past the insurance company has denied benefits to these peopleon the basis that they did not apply within the time limits (90 days after the expiry ofthe elimination period under Trust 1, and 45 days under Trust 2).

The plan is now administered by the Healthcare Benefits Trust. The HBThave agreed that it would be unfair to penalize those who have not applied for LTD becausethey have been on WCB.

Now, under both Trust 1 and Trust 2, your time lines for applying forLTD start to run from the point that you are cut off WCB.

Please remember: if you find yourself cut off your WorkersCompensation benefits and you are still disabled from working: apply for LTD rightaway.

Sarah OLeary is legal counsel for HSA.
