Young workers encouraged to participate in BC Federation of Labour Young Workers’ Committee

The Young Workers’ Committee (YWC) is a standing committee of the BC Federation of Labour (BC Fed) dedicated to encouraging union participation among young people and to address inequity that young workers face as a result of discriminatory beliefs, policies, and legislation.
The Young Workers’ Committee, through the creation of the Employee Action and Rights Network (EARN) fights on behalf of all working people in BC for better employment standards and safer working conditions. The YWC educates students in high schools about Employments Standards and workers rights, as well as the role unions play in improving our society.
Young workers’ committee meetings are open to any union member 30 years old and younger, and always take place on the first Wednesday of each month at 6 p.m. at the BC Federation of Labour office in Vancouver.  Participation by conference call is available.
Meetings are an opportunity to raise concerns and discuss social issues, with an emphasis on an “ear-to-the-ground” approach. This involves listening to young workers as they voice concerns from the ground up. At the same time, research projects, education sessions, advocacy approaches, and direct and indirect action are planned to mobilize and organize around the various issues that affect young workers in BC.
As a union affiliated to the BC Federation of Labour, HSA is entitled to representation of one voting member from the union, but all eligible members are encouraged to participate in the committee.
If you are an HSA member 30 years old and younger, and are interested in participating in the Young Workers’ Committee or as HSA’s representative on the committee, please send an expression of interest for consideration to @email by November 15, 2018.

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