News & Updates

June 23-27, 2015 Reed College campus, Portland, Oregon Fighting for a Fair Future The Summer Institute for Union Women (SIUW) is a 4-day residential school designed to empower women as leaders in the labour movement through participatory education and community-building. See the University of Oregon website for more details. The Western Regional Summer Institute for Union Women (SIUW) offers an...

Under the terms of the collective agreements, a general wage increase of 1 per cent for all members covered by the Health Science Professionals (HSPBA), Community Social Services (CSSBA), and Community Health Services and Support (CBA) contracts takes effect the first pay period after April 1, 2015. A majority of employers have the first full pay period as April 11...

The 2014 – 2019 Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) contracts have been printed and are beginning to be distributed to members at worksites across the province. Employers are responsible for the distribution of the collective agreements to every employee. If you do not receive a copy of your collective agreement, please contact your Human Resources department to receive one...

HSA members covered by the Municipal Pension Plan are reminded about free seminars offered by your pension plan, the Municipal Pension Plan. There are still spots available for members within five years of retirement at seminars in Chetwyn, Slamon Arm, Fort St. John, Revelstoke, Surrey, Vernon, and Nelson in May. For members who are new- or mid-careet, seminars explaining pension...

The Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association (HSPBA) and Health Employers' Association of BC (HEABC) have ratified the trust agreement that formally establishes the Joint Health Science Benefits Trust (JHSBT). The 2014-2019 HSPBA collective agreement included a Letter of Agreement committing the parties to establishing the joint trust for provision of health and welfare benefits. A joint trust is a self-funded...

HSA President Val Avery said she is pleased to have attended today's BC government summit on violence in the health care system. The summit, hosted by Health Minister Terry Lake in response to Avery's recent call for action, included representatives from other health care unions, health authorities, occupational health and safety experts and other industry stakeholders. "Violence has affected health...

Following HSA President Val Avery's proposal, Health Minister Terry Lake will convene a summit to address the continuing problem of violence in health care workplaces. The provincial government has invited HSA to help conduct the day-long solutions-oriented discussion Tuesday April 7 in Richmond. "In December, HSA called on government to bring together health care workers, employers and workplace safety experts...

Members at a number of affiliate employers under the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association, the Nurses Bargaining Association and the Community Bargaining Association collective agreements.will soon be participating in the Enhanced Disability Management Program. EDMP, which is already supporting thousands of HSA members working in health authorities, has a proven track record of helping members who are absent from work...

A Working Group established as part of the 2014-2019 Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association collective agreement has been working for the past year to take the steps required to establish a Joint Health Science Benefits Trust, which will be a jointly trusteed plan to administer members’ benefits.Under this plan, to be established by April 1, 2016, members’ benefits will be...

Members holding a Chief Medical Technologist position can now breathe a little easier, given PHSA's agreement to have a Chief Medical Technologist position at every facility within its Lower Mainland Pathology & Laboratory Services. PHSA intends to title the position "Site Supervisor". PHSA previously announced that certain positions would not be directly affected by its redesign plans, namely Grade I...