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The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by RACHEL NOTLEY Does "due diligence" under the revised Workers' Compensation Act increase supervisory responsibility or liability? Due diligence is a legal defence offered to employers and supervisors in the event that someone experiences damages in some way as a result of their action (or inaction). If someone being held responsible for...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by SARAH O'LEARY What medical information does my employer have a right to ask for? There are several situations in which members may find that they are asked by the employer for a medical certificate, or further medical information about the state of their health. Understandably, workers are touchy about these requests...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by CINDY STEWART Meeting rooms in nine communities around the province: $5,000.Members wage replacement: over $50,000.Hearing first hand from activists about the issues they care about: priceless. I cant think of a better way to describe how I feel about the importance of the HSA Regional Meetings that are held every fall...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 HSAs executive staff are the Executive Director of Labour Relations, Executive Director of Operations, Executive Assistant / Human Resources Coordinator ... and their secretarial support. Executive Director of Labour RelationsThe Executive Director of Labour Relations is one of the two senior executive staff positions in HSA and reports directly to the President...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by YUKIE KURAHASHI Most recipients of the coveted Bowl of Hygeia ... the highest honour in pharmacy ... are fairly certain which of their achievements is being recognized by the award. Some may be state senators. Others might be city mayors. Still others might receive the award for devoting their time and...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by CAROLE PEARSON That a policy to improve health care should create so many headaches is ironic. But when the BC Ministry of Health implemented its Better Teamwork Better Care approach through regionalization, it created a tangle of jurisdictional and contractual issues. Then-Health Minister Joy MacPhail called it the "dawn of a...

The Report: October 2000 vol.21 num.5 by RICK LAMPSHIRE A recent Labour Relations Board (LRB) decision suggests the LRB may likely follow a rational approach to health care bargaining in the future - instead of maximizing the confusion caused by the Health Authorities Act, as advocated by some. This decision - British Columbia Society of Clinical Perfusion, BCLRB - upheld...

The Report: October 2000 vol.21 num.5 by FRED MCLEOD Our free market is driven by the principle of supply and demand. If the supply is greater than the demand then the price will go down and when the demand is greater than the supply the price will increase. Health care is facing a crisis due to the shortages of trained...

The Report: October 2000 vol.21 num.5by CAROLE PEARSON If there can be a bright side to breast cancer, Mary Hatlevik has found one. Hatlevik is a registered psychiatric nurse at Trail Regional Hospital and Chief Steward for HSAs Trail Regional Chapter. Mary Hatlevik Registered Psychiatric NurseTrail Regional Hospital Last March, she went to TRHs Radiology Department for her annual mammogram...

The Report: October 2000 vol.21 num.5 by SARAH O'LEARY What is duty to accommodate? I have been injured and do not expect to be able to return to my job in my former full capacity. What are my options? You have probably been hearing a great deal over the past year about the duty to accommodate. Labour relations practitioners have...