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The Report: February 2010 vol.31 num.1 BY LAURA BUSHEIKIN ASK YOUTH CARE COUNSELLOR CURTIS HINES what the best part of his job is and he can answer in one word: -Hope," he says. Hines counsels mentally ill youth who are in adolescent psychiatric wards, and provides support for their families. Witnessing young people caught in the suffering of mental illness...

The Report: February 2010 vol.31 num.1 AS THIS ISSUE OF THE REPORT GOES TO PRESS British Columbians are bracing for two very austere budgets from the provincial and federal governments. Both Gordon Campbell and Stephen Harper seem poised to use the financial crisis as a rationale for making deep cuts that will permanently damage our health care system. Sadly, weve...

You and your family depend on BC's public services. So why doesn't the BC Government undestand that when they cut public services, they hurt your family and community. HSA and other unions have joined to support the BC Federation of Labour "Cuts Cost You More," advertising campaign. Visit the BC Federation of Labour website to hear the radio ad and...

Despite wide-spread public outcry and media attention, the Early Intensive Behavioural Intervention (EIBI) program for children with autism is closing its doors this week due to government funding cuts. At Queen Alexandra Center for Child Health on Vancouver Island, 40 experienced and highly-trained therapists have lost their jobs. Today is their last day of work. These cuts were triggered this...

CoDevelopment Canada invites HSA members and friends to its World Community Film Festival, January 29-31, 2010 at Langara College. The ninth annual film festival features documentaries set around the globe about social justice, food security, and environmental issues. The opening night gala film is Sweet Crude, a highly-acclaimed film about the human and environmental consequences of 50 years of oil...

HSAs board of directors voted this week to recommend rejection of the tentative agreement reached last month in the Community Health Services and Support sector between the bargaining associations lead union, BCGEU, and the provincial government.The board agreed with HSAs negotiating team representing members in the sector that the agreement asks members to give up too many hard-won benefits. HSA...

Week of January 18, 2010 Friday, January 22 - Port MoodyWhat: Protest at Port Moody ... Coquitlam MLA, Iain Blacks OfficeTime: 12:30 ... 1:30Where: #203 ... 130 Brew Street, Port MoodyLet the Minister Responsible for Small Business, Technology and Economic Development know that eliminating workers legal rights through legislation is not an effective way to build a better and stronger...

Five years ago, in 2005, David Bland, a vocational rehabilitation counsellor and HSA member from Richmond Mental Health, was murdered at his workplace by a former client. His tragic death served as a sombre reminder that more needs to be done to prevent incidents of violence in the workplace and to protect health care ands social services workers on the...

In times of great hardship and need, the labour movement shows the meaning of solidarity and mobilizes to bring support to workers, their families and their communities. The Canadian Labour Congress, in cooperation with the Canadian Red Cross, is working to provide an easy way for union members to make a donation to help the victims of the devastating earthquake...

The BC Health Coalition is pleased to announce "Advocating for Seniors Advocacy in B.C." -- an important community event taking place on January 19, 2010 in Burnaby.The BC Health Coalition is co-sponsoring this event with the BC Seniors' Advocacy Network and the Hospital Employees' Union. They wish to develop a more constructive dialogue among advocacy groups that work with individual...