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Facilities Barganing AssociationNurses Bargaining AssociationHealth Science Professionals Bargaining AssociationCommunity Bargaining Association Health care unions met today with representatives of the provincial government to deal with the repercussions of last Junes landmark Supreme Court decision that declared parts of a 2002 contract-stripping law unconstitutional. Bill 29, the Health and Social Services Delivery Improvement Act, eliminated or curtailed provisions in legally-negotiated contracts...

The Report: September 2007 vol.28 num.4 by SARAH OLEARY any of WCB appeals we file are based on reports that a member started to experience pain after an extremely difficult day at work. Sound familiar? Often, this is the culmination of months of soreness, stiffness and/or pain but no time lost from work. Then one day ... or one week...

The Report: September 2007 vol.28 num.4 r. M eena Sran, the new president of the Physiotherapy Association of BC, chose her profession by accident. Following a motor vehicle accident in 1991, a physiotherapist worked with Sran in her recovery, and the University of BC student found the profession that shed been looking for. -I was drawn to studying physiotherapy because...

The Report: September 2007 vol.28 num.4by CAROLE PEARSON I've never, ever regretted becoming a chie f steward," says Mo Norton,HSA Chief Steward for North Shore Health and Community Services inNorth Vancouver. -I honestly havent had any situations with management that havent been resolved satisfactorily, even under difficult situations," she said. -Its really nice to go in to a meeting, wearing...

The Report: September 2007 vol.28 num.4 Recently, I missed work due to illness. My supervisor now wants proof.When I provided a note from my doctor attesting to the fact that I wasill, my supervisor said he needs more detailed information. How muchhealth information is my employer entitled to? Employers often want medical certificates, and sometimes they ask for alot of...

The Report: September 2007 vol.28 num.4 by REID JOHNSON n my first few months on the job as your president, my priority hasbeen to hear from HSA members about your concerns and aspirations foryour union, your workplaces, and your professions. Since April, I have participated in almost 20 chapter meetings, which have included meeting members from Royal Jubilee Hospital and...

BC's current economic boom is bypassing working families, according to a Labour Day analysis prepared by the B.C. Federation of Labour, forcing them to work longer hours just to stand still while corporate profits rise and CEOs take home massive pay increases. "A $10 minimum wage would help nearly 250,000 working people who are at or below the poverty line,"...

Over the past five years, Canadas economy has lost over 300,000 of its best-paying jobs and continues to lose hundreds more every week. These were jobs with good salaries. They offered benefits that helped people raise healthy families and plan for a decent retirement. They came with incomes that supported local businesses and paid for social services that raised everyones...

-Public health care. Lets look at the evidence" is the message that B.C.s health care unions are sending to Canadian physicians in an ad placed in todays Globe and Mail and Vancouver Sun as doctors from across the country meet in Vancouver this week for the Canadian Medical Associations annual general meeting. The unions ad encourages CMA delegates to champion...

Join the HSA team by Sept. 20, 2007 and be entered to win a $500 travel voucher from WE Travel. This year's annual Run for the Cure, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation's most important fundraiser, is Sunday September 30. HSA has supported the run for the past 10 years, and as a gold-level sponsor encourages HSA members and others to...