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The four unions representing striking community social services workers around the province have agreed to return to the bargaining table this Thursday, April 22 in an effort to reach a contract settlement."We have been advised by the employers' bargaining agent, the Community Social Services Employers' Association, that they intend to table a new financial mandate when we meet on Thursday,"...

Community social services workers are hoping that statements made earlier this week by the premier will result in new proposals from government negotiators at the bargaining table.At a news conference Tuesday in Vancouver, the premier restated his government's commitment to low wage redress for community social services workers and expressed optimism that a settlement could be reached."I believe the premier's...

Community social services workers will escalate their job action on Monday, March 29, setting up picket lines at various sites across the province, including several transition houses, a sexual assault centre and other agencies that provide services to women.On Vancouver Island HSA members from six facilities, including four transition houses, will join the picket line at the main office of...

Community social services workers resume job action this week, and will focus on delivering their message to provincial politicians that it's time to end wage and benefit discrimination for workers in this sector.Today, striking care-providers in the Lower Mainland will rally at Finance Minister Joy MacPhail's community office at 3:00 p.m. (2365 East Hastings, Vancouver)."Community social services workers have waited...

Workers in the community social services sector will resume strikeaction on Monday, March 15. Pickets will go up at selected worksites inthe Lower Mainland and Prince George.The four unions representing workers in this sector -- B.C. Governmentand Service Employees' Union, Canadian Union of Public Employees,Hospital Employees' Union and Health Sciences Association - say thegovernment's refusal to address wage and benefit...

Paramedical professionals represented by the Health Sciences Association of BC have voted 94 per cent in favour of the contract recommended by Mediator Brian Foley.HSA represents more than 90 per cent of paramedical professionals across the province."This contract is good news for HSA and for all paramedical professionals," says Chief Negotiator Rick Lampshire. "Given the current political and economic climate...

Ten thousand workers in the community social services sector will commence a province-wide strike on International Women's Day, March 8, in an effort to end wage and benefit discrimination for women in the sector.Negotiators for the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU), Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), Hospital Employees' Union (HEU) and Health Sciences Association (HSA) outlined the...

The Report: February / March 1999 vol.19 num.6 by RICK LAMPSHIRE Congratulations to all of you! We can be proud of ourselves. Ninemonths of negotiations and over ten days of mediation have resulted in a collectiveagreement acceptable to 94 per cent of our paramedical professional membership. The 0-0-2wage mandate was pre-determined by the time we arrived at mediation. But we...

The Report: February / March 1999 vol.19 num.6 by CINDY STEWART On February 17 the Labour Relations Board ruled that HSA is theappropriate union to represent clinical perfusionists in the health sector, and have beenso since the sprint of 1997 when they applied to be paramedical professionals. In Februaryof 1997, clinical perfusionists sought paramedical professional designation on the basisthat a...

The Report: February / March 1999 vol.19 num.6 by LYN BLENKINSOP In September of 1997, I was fortunate enough to be chosen as one of 16health care workers, and one of five HSA members, to be trained by the Healthcare LabourAdjustment Agency to deliver peer counselling services to employees who have beendisplaced, threatened with future displacement or affected by changing...