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The Report: January / February 2001 vol.22 num.1 HSA is a member-run union governed by a Board of Directors. The Board is composed of one member elected from each of ten regions around the province, and a President elected by delegates at Annual Convention. When you elect your Regional Director, you are casting a vote for your representative who is...

The Report: January / February 2001 vol.22 num.1 In mid-November, when delegates to HSAs paramedical professional bargaining conference sat down to their first day, they faced two immense tasks. The first was examining and evaluating over 600 proposals submitted by members from around the province. The second was narrowing the list of proposals, and setting strategic priorities for bargaining in...

The Report: January / February 2001 vol.22 num.1 by RACHEL NOTLEY Medical radiation technologists tend to experience symptoms of respiratory illness at a higher rate than do physiotherapists. Thats the conclusion of a recent comparative study by researchers at UBC. The authors of the study, Helen Ward and Michelle Wymer, describe symptoms which include bronchial hyper-responsiveness, wheezing, shortness of breath...

The Report: January / February 2001 vol.22 num.1 Members identify workload, ergonomics as key issues by YUKIE KURAHASHI Every day, each cytotechnologist at the BC Cancer Agency's Cervical Cancer Screening Program scrutinizes 85 slides, with the knowledge that each slide may carry information that could profoundly affect the life of a woman somewhere in the province. The BC Cancer Agency's...

Union president says increased training spaces will help address shortage of x-ray technologists but more needs to be doneThe Health Science Association of BC, the province's third largest health care union, is pleased that the provincial government's new health care strategy includes a plan to train more x-ray technologists.HSA president Cindy Stewart says the plan demonstrates that the government has...

British Columbia's acute shortage of health science professionals is leaving some BC communities without access to critical health services. Physiotherapy, pharmacy, radiation therapy and ultrasound are just some of the professions where shortages are particularly severe.To raise awareness about this growing problem, the Health Sciences Association of British Columbia (HSA) is launching a province-wide campaign calling on government, health authorities...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by KELLY FINLAYSON The health care system in the Central Vancouver Island Region continues to struggle. We can only hope that the next round of bargaining will bring substantial improvements, for the sake of the public, as well as for health care workers who have been fighting a losing battle to provide...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by YUKIE KURAHASHI Ian Denison Physiotherapist / Equipment Evaluation Specialist GF Strong / BC Rehab Imagine youre an occupational therapist. You have a patient who has unusual seating requirements, and needs your help making a decision on which motorized wheelchair would be the best choice of almost 100 models available. Who can...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by RACHEL NOTLEY Does "due diligence" under the revised Workers' Compensation Act increase supervisory responsibility or liability? Due diligence is a legal defence offered to employers and supervisors in the event that someone experiences damages in some way as a result of their action (or inaction). If someone being held responsible for...

The Report: November / December 2000 vol.21 num.6 by SARAH O'LEARY What medical information does my employer have a right to ask for? There are several situations in which members may find that they are asked by the employer for a medical certificate, or further medical information about the state of their health. Understandably, workers are touchy about these requests...