News & Updates

Union encourages flu shotsHSA encourages health professionals to get immunized against seasonal influenza. Keep your immunization record current and your employee health file up to date by receiving a flu shot at an employer-run clinic. Together with hand washing and safe coughing protocols (e.g., coughing into sleeve), follow regular safety protocols to avoid seasonal flu. Employer can require flu shots...

Rallies, sit-ins, and occupations will be held in cities across the United States and Canada this Saturday in support of fair taxes. In Vancouver, members of the labour movement will show our support by joining Occupy Vancouver events at 12:00 noon at the Vancouver Art Gallery with a march at 1:00 p.m. What is a Robin Hood Tax? The Robin...

British Columbia's frontline community-based social service workers have approved their new collective agreements. The vote was 88% in favour for General Services and 79% in favour for Community Living Services. "This agreement offers important improvements for workers who support children, women, adults withdevelopmental disabilities, and other vulnerable members in our communities,"says James Cavalluzzo, Chair of the Community Social Services Bargaining...

The B.C. Federation of Labour will gather at the Vancouver Art Gallery at 12:00 noon on Saturday, October 15, 2011 in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street Movements Call for good jobs, fair taxes and strong public services. HSA members are encouraged to support the BC Federation of Labour's show of solidarity. More information: BC Fed News Release

Health Care Drinks is a fun and fabulous networking opportunity for those who want to connect with others to help protect and improve our amazing Canadian health care system - as a professional health worker, an advocate or as a user! Whatever your reason for coming - to meet doctors and nurses and lab techs and pharmacists and others in...

HSA has contracted with Viewpoints Research to conduct a survey of HSA members covered by the Health Science Professionals Bargaining Association collective agreement about issues related to upcoming contract negotiations. Your feedback is important and valuable to your bargaining committee. If you are contacted by Viewpoints Research in the coming weeks, you are encouraged to participate in the telephone survey...

In the last round of HSPBA collective bargaining, the HSPBA and HEABC agreed to a memorandum to allow consolidation of seniority lists across all health authorities. Please take a few moments to review the memorandum that was signed ... you can find it on the HSA website, under [Collective Agreements / Health Science Professionals / Provisions of the Collective Agreement...

Elections will be held during the next 8 weeks to select members to fill the following HSA positions for the coming year: 1. Chief Steward2. Assistant Chief Steward3. General Stewards4. Occupational Health & Safety Stewards and5. Labour Council Delegates (for chapters that are, or wish to become, affiliated to their local labour council). Stewards play an essential role within HSA...

At the end of August, the Interior Health Authority revealed it planned to implement a major reorganization of laboratory services in the region. The plans will be shared with IHA staff over the next two weeks at meetings where laboratory managers will introduce staff to the employers planned changes. HSA stewards will be attending these meetings to observe and, where...

HSA President Reid Johnson is not optimistic about media reports for a -new government mandate" for collective bargaining in 2012 after yesterdays Throne Speech from the BC government. -The government clearly signaled yesterday that its prepared to pay lip service to the women and men who deliver the public services, like health care, that British Columbians depend on. But there...