News & Updates

There is still room available in the two-day OH&S Steward Training workshop on December 1 & 2, 2008. Please register as soon as possible if you are interested in attending this workshop. OH&S Steward Training:December 1 and 2, 2008 Eligible stewards should print a pre-registration form off the HSA websiteat www.hsabc.rog (go to Member Services, then Education) and return it...

BC Health Coalition NOVEMBER 5, 2008 - FREE PUBLIC EVENT: Who's Minding the Store? The privatization of long-term care and what it means for care qualityWednesday Nov. 5th - 7-9 pmUnitarian Church - 949 W. 49th Avenue, Vancouver With speakers: Charlene Harrington, professor and researcher Dr. Margaret McGregor, family physician and health services researcher Lyne England, advocacy activist from VictoriaSponsored...

Oct. 22 marks the seventh annual day of appreciation for child care workers and early childhood educators Ottawa (17 Oct. 2008) ... The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) is joining with Canadians across the country in acknowledging the contributions made by child care workers and early childhood educators in the development of children, families and communities. The...

The National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE) will observe Nov. 6 as the first annual Community Social Service Workers Appreciation Day in Canada. The union is urging everyone to mark the occasion by taking time to appreciate the contribution these workers make to strengthen communities across the country. The idea for the day, which will be celebrated annually...

Elections will be held during the next 2 months to select members to fill the following HSA positions for the coming year: 1. Chief Steward2. Assistant Chief Steward3. General Stewards4. Occupational Health & Safety Stewards and5. Labour Council Delegates (for chapters that are affiliated to their local labour council) Stewards play an essential role within HSA and the workplace. All...

On October 14, 2008 Canadians will head to the polls to elect a new federal government. The Members of Parliament we elect can have a huge impact on the health care and community social services that HSA members provide. HSA urges members to examine the positions of the parties on these issues, and to vote for candidates who will support...

The ProvinceBy Ian Austin A year-long study of the effect of private clinics on the Canadian public health-care system has concluded that wait times are longest in areas where private clinics take personnel from the public system. "We found evidence of wait times that are highest in areas with the most privatization, as resources -- financial and human -- are...

Hundredsof HSA members across BC participated in the CIBC Run for the Cure, held SundayOctober 5. HSA is a gold-level sponsor. In Victoria, Leslie Connie (left,mammography technologist at CML Healthcare), Sharon Eggertson (centre,dietitian at Royal Jubilee Hospital), and Val Avery (right, physiotherapist andRegion 1 Director) volunteered for HSA's Run for the Cure team. For moreinformation on HSA's participation in the...

BC Health Coalition calls on British Columbians to reject BCAA queue jumping insurance and demand government action to enforce health care legislation.The BC Health Coalition is deeply disturbed by BCAAs recent announcement to begin offering insurance that will allow its members to jump the health care queue and obtain services at for-profit clinics. The actions of BCAA clearly contravene both...

HSA members who are running for office or working on campaigns in the provincial by-elections in Vancouver-Burrard and Vancouver-Fairview can apply to HSA for the following financial support from HSAs Political Action Fund: 1. Members who are candidates can apply for up to 20 days of wage replacement and/or up to $200 to cover approved personal expenses incurred to run...